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It's been exactly two days since Subaru figured out what he has been looking for. There were no words to explain it. He had never felt so confused in his life.

2 days ago

Subaru laid on his bed, thoughts crawled unto his mind. There are still more clues. Yume's pencil case is filled with many pens, pencils and erasers and it could take forever to find them. He could always flip the house upside down but at the same time he doesn't remember how many pens, pencils and erasers Yume owns and he could actually miss a clue and not end up finding what he was supposed to find. It could end up in disaster. Subaru decided to take a nap and rethink everything when he wakes up.


One hour later, Subaru woke up with a start. He never had nightmares about Yume for the past 2 years. He never liked what he saw. He doesn't like the nightmares. He hates seeing Yume die and die again. He loathes it. Everything in his nightmares stages different scenarios in where it's always the same story. It would always start out as happy, sometimes a happy memory from where Yume was alive and happy, then something happens, a little problem or a huge problem that slowly escalates into something big that it takes someone's life. Yume's life. Subaru tries. He always tries to save her but he fails. It seems impossible to control what he dreams.


"It's a reminder of the pain." He thought he heard Yume said.

Subaru stayed silent. He could continue his search for the other clues. He could. He could drive himself crazy but at least he found a lead. A lead that can bring the dead back to life.

Word Count : 294

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