"That's fine. We can give you a crash-course on the middle schoolers. I know, that doesn't sound highly professional, but honestly, we're desperate and you're young and the children will love that," he chuckles. My eyes widen.

"Really?" I gasp.

"Can you start Monday?" he asks.

"Oh my god," I smile. "Yes, of course!" I beam.

"Excellent. I'll email over the requirements for clothing, equipment, etcetera. On Monday, your official timetable will be given to you, but over the weekend, I'll email you some rough ideas of the days you will be teaching, how many classes, etcetera. We'll also send over a template for the classes and what is on their curriculum." he explains. I couldn't help but smile the entire time he spoke.

"That sounds perfect, sir." I smile.

"Please," he says, standing from his chair. "Call me William,"

"Well," I say, standing to my feet, also, "thank you very much, William. I won't let you all down." I smile.

We shook hands once more, before I left the room, and returned to the dingy hallways, which now felt brighter and more full of life.

I was going to be a teacher! A dance teacher, at a school!

As I left the building, smile still plastered to my face, I couldn't stop my mind from racing; if the previous teacher hadn't left to teach high schoolers, I never would've gotten the opportunity in the first place. If Lauren didn't work here, I would've never known about the job. If they weren't so desperate for a teacher, I wouldn't have gotten the job. Yet, here I was; hired, as a teacher, at a school.

Things were starting to look up, and I was undeniably ecstatic about that. Without fear of things going wrong, I was ecstatic.


"I'm so fucking proud of you, baby," Harry says in my ear, for the millionth time.

We were currently mildly celebrating. Just Harry, Lauren, Zack and I. I'd thanked Lauren a million times.

"Shh," I giggle, wriggling away from his warm breath fanning my ear, my jaw.

It was 11pm. We'd been drinking for quite some hours now, but any excuse to drink was a good one.

"I think we should play a game," Lauren smiles.

"Like what?" Zack asks.

"I don't know," she laughs. "Something silly."

"What about the classic, 'never have I ever'?" I suggest. It was lame, but it somehow always managed to be fun.

"Oh, yes! We love this game," Lauren giggles.

"Isn't it more 'say it or shot it' with alcohol?" Harry asks.

"Have you always been a spoil sport?" I joke.

"Mean," he pouts.

"Okay, I'll start!" Lauren says.

We were sat in Lauren and I's living room; Harry and I on the sofa, Lauren and Zack on the floor, by choice.

"Never have I ever, thrown up from alcohol," Lauren says, starting with an easy one.

We all, except for Zack, took a gulp from the drinks we were still finishing.

"What, you've never thrown up from alcohol before? Not even once?" I gasp.

"I haven't," Zack shrugs. My eyes widen.

DrowningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora