Ch. 8 - A Loud Bang

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Taurtis didn't have to wait long. Dom only had to get the pomegranate and get out, but it felt like years. The street lamps were on and the town was eerily quiet. It was only ten at night, but it seemed like everyone was fast asleep. There was a chill in the air that ran down his spine despite the coat he wore. The knife in his pocket seemed to get heavier with each passing second. He still couldn't shake the eyes. His head kept darting around, hoping to both see something and nothing.

He jumped when the bell attached to the door rang.

Dom held up the fruit, "Got it."

"Let's just get this over with," Taurtis sighed.

Dom tossed the fruit in his hands as they walked, "Why a pomegranate?"

Taurtis shrugged, "Who knows what's going on in this person's head."

"I guess you're right. It's just so oddly specific, you know? Like are they really going to check to make sure we put it in the right classroom? And why a classroom?"

Taurtis wished he knew. It was strange, even for a crazy person. The request was odd and served no purpose. He supposed it would be creepy for his teacher to walk in the next day and find a random pomegranate with a knife through it on his desk.

It didn't take them long to reach Yandere High. Taurtis had always thought the school looked haunted at night - everything was dark and still. He never noticed how terrifying it was to have wall-length windows in the classrooms, especially the ones on the higher floors. He almost felt like someone was standing there, pressed up against one, watching them.

"Your first period is math, right?" Dom asked.

Taurtis nodded, "Second floor."

Dom frowned, gazing up at the school, "How are we supposed to get in?"

Taurtis shrugged, "Maybe they don't lock up the back. We can climb over the hedges."

However, as they were approaching the main entrance, they found the doors blown open and the security gates shoved to the side.

"Shit," Dom grimaced, shaking his head, "This is trespassing. If anyone knew..."

"We'll be fine," Taurtis wasn't sure if he was trying to convince him or himself.

Taurtis took a step into the building and instantly his stomach dropped, trying to tie itself into a knot. It was so cold, he could almost see his breath, and a breeze was coming in from somewhere above them. Something pulled at him, telling him to run for the hills and never return. He wanted to listen, he really did, but he couldn't, he had to do this.

"C'mon. The quicker we get this over with, the quicker it'll end."

Dom hesitantly followed him through the building and up the stairs.

They were as quiet as they could be. They weren't alone in the building, that much was clear. The killer was probably hiding somewhere, watching them closely. They wanted to make sure they completed the task.

"This is it," Taurtis sighed. The door creaked as he slowly pushed it open.

The only light was from the moon, casting an eerie glow over the room. Taurtis had never seen the room so still before. Usually, at least the teacher was bustling about, preparing for the next class. Now it was easy to see why some thought the school was haunted.

"Give me the pomegranate," Taurtis held out one hand while he fished out the knife with the other.

"This is so weird," Dom murmured as he handed him the fruit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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