Ch. 4 - A Sorrowful Dream

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To say Taurtis was upset was an understatement: he was livid. Sam was acting like some kind of gate-keeper, drilling him with questions when he got up that morning. So, Taurtis had gotten ready fast and headed to school. He hadn't eaten breakfast, but he could wait until lunch, right now, his anger was keeping him sustained. There were just a couple of other students roaming the halls, he kept away from them.

Sam didn't need to know where he was at every moment; he wasn't his guardian. He had no right to pester him about where he was going or why he left the house. He shouldn't be this mad, Sam probably just wanted to get under his skin. He couldn't let him get to him like this.

Someone bumped into him and this time his hand shot out to grab them.

"The hell is your problem?" He growled.

Dom glared at him, shaking off his hand, "My problem?"

Taurtis took a step forward, "Yes, your problem. You keep bumping into me. Watch where you're fuckin' going!"

"Make me."

Taurtis threw a punch, but Dom ducked just in time. He rammed into him, trying to knock him over. Taurtis spun him around and slammed him against the lockers. Dom's hat fell off his head. He grunted, trying to resist.

Taurtis leaned closer, "I have always been stronger than you."

"Shut up," Dom spit back.

"You gonna stop tryna touch me all the time?" Taurtis growled.

"You wish."

Taurtis rolled his eyes, slamming him against the lockers once more before stepping back and letting go, "Leave me alone, Dom."

"And why the hell should I do that," Dom glared.

"Because I said so. Unless you want a repeat of what just happened," Taurtis challenged.

Dom charged him, again. Only to end up pressed against the lockers, again. Taurtis gripped his arm, locking it between his shoulder blades. Dom whined, still trying to fight back. Taurtis couldn't help the fact that his eyes roamed over him, studying him. He hadn't changed much. Maybe a tab bit taller; they'd always been around the same height, constantly arguing over who was taller. He had gotten a little buffer, though it wasn't much when compared to him. He paid attention to the way Dom was fighting. He could easily spin himself around and knock Taurtis back, but he wasn't.

Taurtis narrowed his eyes, leaning in to growl into Dom's ear, "I know why you keep tryna fight me."

Dom scoffed, "You don't know me."

Taurtis cocked an eyebrow, "Don't I? I think you just want to feel me again. How long has it been, again?"

Dom stilled, "Shut up."

Taurtis pressed his body closer, "You aren't denying it."

"Shut. Up."

"So, if I turned you around I won't find any evidence that you like me close?"

Dom struggled, but Taurtis spun him around, pinning his arms above his head with one hand and shoving him back against the lockers with the other. Taurtis's eyes raked over him, raising an eyebrow at the obvious bulge in his pants. Dom continued to scowl at him.

Taurtis smirked, "Seems to me like I was right."

Dom rolled his eyes, "Don't flatter yourself."

Taurtis shoved his knee between Dom's legs, who whimpered at the pressure, "What was that?"

Dom gritted his teeth, "I hate you."

Taurtis crushed their lips together, Dom instantly responded back. Their teeth clanking together as their tongues wrestle for dominance. Taurtis moved his hands to interlock with Dom's, still pressing his arms against the lockers. He brushed their hips together. Dom bucked against him, moaning into their kiss.

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