32| Care to Dance?

Start from the beginning

"Hmmm? Me? Cynical? That died when you showed me that stupid romantic comedy film," I whispered back making Holden chuckle.

I then caught Rosa at the side signalling me to look at her. When I finally caught her she was fanning herself with an invisible fan as she mouthed to me, "Hottie."

I rolled my eyes as I decided to sit in silence and look at the view from the car window. Eventually, we arrived at Holden's apartment building where two familiar figures were waiting for us.

Kaelyn stepped on the break pedal so hard that we all were shocked by the sudden movement. She immediately turned over to me and said, "What is Nathaniel and Avery doing here?"

"I invited to help me get my stuff out," I simply said and the rest of them turned to me with a raised brow then Rosa said, "Did you forget about the part where he's your cheating ex and that's the girl he cheated on you with."

Then Lucas chimes in saying, "Who, May I add, had to be under your care despite the fact that you were hurting."

"Guys, we talked it out," I explained which only made Rosa look even more bewildered as she said, "Alexandria Huang you have to tell us these things!"

"Okay, I promise to update you on any significant life event," I said while Rosa and Kaelyn's eyes narrowed as they stared me down.

Kaelyn then said, "You better."

"Which means you'll tell us when you and Holden get together," Rosa teased making me launch out of my seat to punch her but she used Holden as a shield.

"Rosa how many times do I have to tell you that it's not like that," I said and Holden softly said, "Wait, really?"

I slowly sunk into my seat and said, "Wait...no...that's not what I meant....you're great...really...umm...handsome....definitely-."

"Speak in sentences Alexandria," Kaelyn teased making me bury my face in my hands. Then I heard Holden whisper, "Don't worry about it Alex, your secret's safe with me."

I punched Holden on the shoulder hard and said, "Not you too! You all are terrible! Now can we please get out of this car because there are people waiting for us."

We all got out of the car and when Avery saw me, she rushed up to me and gave me a tight hug. "Woah there, seems like you got well fast," I pointed out and she let me go and grasped my shoulders then said, "I had a pretty damn good doctor."

I smiled at the comment.

A pretty damn good doctor.

Nathaniel walked up to me and was ready to give me a hug but he stopped abruptly. I looked to what could have possibly made him stop and saw Kaelyn and Rosa glaring daggers through Nathaniel.

And there was Lucas, attempting to look intimidating but to no avail.

To ease the tension, I said, "Lucas, please stop, you look like you're trying to pass a kidney stone." Then I mouthed to Kaelyn and Rosa, "Be nice."

"Where's Savannah and Kellan?," Nathaniel casually asked and I answered, "They don't have the same day off as us."

I then heard Holden walk over then say, "So, shall we unload the trunk."

"We shall," Avery replied as she went straight to the car to help bring the boxes but Nathaniel ended up bringing the heavy ones, insisting to Avery that heavy objects were not ideal for her newly recovered state.

With the help of my friends, we were able to finally get all my stuff and my room arranged in less that two hours.

I thanked my friends for the help and they all eventually bid their goodbyes, and of course, Rosa teased me on the way out whispering to me, "Don't have too much fun without us."

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