40| Bleak

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1 week later

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the same doors I stood in front of last week. I was ready to face the music. Some of my friends were already inside, while others had to work. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Damien.

"Dr. Wright," I said and he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder then said, "Remember what we talked about before, don't let Leilani get under your skin."

I nodded then he continued to say, "Don't give her the satisfaction that what she's doing is getting to you, stay calm and show them why you deserve to keep your medical license."

I nodded again and turned on my heel to turn around and open the doors but I stopped in my tracks when I remembered something. I turned back to Damien making him ask, "Something wrong?"

"Did someone else accompany Holden in to the room because the last time I checked, Rosa can't come because she has work," I commented making Damien tense up. I raised one of my brows then said, "Is there something wrong?"

Damien sighed and said, "Alexandria this might not be the right time." I felt my heart beat faster at the cryptic message he had just spoken. "Spit it out Damien," I said and he deeply sighed as he struggled to meet my eyes. "I know that you've been really busy trying to prepare for this hearing and even for your first hearing made you busy-."

"Here we go again, you're straying from the point Damien," I said in frustration not realising my eagerness sparked his frustration as well. Damien clenched his jaw then said, "Can't you see that I'm just trying to lighten the blow, and if you're so eager to know then I'll tell you now.........Holden doesn't have much time left, his health is deteriorating and he could die-."

I cut him off by saying, "I've got to go." I quickly turned to walk off into the hallways to lead me to Holden's room. Before I could get any further, Damien grabbed me the arm, stopping me. "Alexandria your hearing, you're going to  be late and the members of the board won't take too kindly to another mishap."

"I don't care. I need to see Holden before I go," I reasoned but he said, "You could possibly lose your medical license over this."

"He's important to me.....I can't not see him," I said making Damien's expression soften. He searched my eyes first then he eventually said, "Alright, I'll find a way to stall them but you have to be quick." Out of impulse, I pulled him in for a quick hug and said, "Thank you.....this really means a lot." I let him go put as I slowly pulled away a from him, he managed to catch my hand making me turn my attention back to him. He gave my hand a squeeze as he said, "Just be ready."

I nodded and he let go of my hand. I quickly made my way to Holden's room and when I saw him, he looked even weaker. His skin was the palest it's ever looked, losing it's usual tan hue. I felt my heart clench at the sight. His eyes were closed, focusing on his breathing. I knocked on the doorway to get his attention. He opened his eyes and shakily smiled when he saw me. He struggled to sit up on his bed making me rush over to him and say, "Hey, it's okay, you can just lie down."

"How many times do I have to tell you," he said softly, "I'm not fra...." He starts coughing but he eventually says, "I'm not fragile." I looked over to his heart rate monitor and saw that his heartbeat was weaker now. I cupped his face then said, "I can't believe I've been focusing on myself when this has been happening to you."

He placed a shaky hand on my cheek then said, "Don't worry about it, I'm not going anywhere, I'm still here." I shook my head as the tears that formed in my eyes started to blur my vision. He placed a kiss on my forehead then placed his forehead against mine. "You have to go to your hearing Alex," he said softly, voice shaky and sounding tired. "I can't leave you, not when you're like this, for all I know, you leave me while I'm in that room," I said making him hold onto my wrists and removed my hands that were cupping his face.

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