Chapter Eleven - Standing Ovation

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Smile/Laugh challenge - you laugh, you vote and/or comment 🤙🤙

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If I didn't get you, Sorry, I'll try harder next time haha.

--11 AM the day after the party ... YEOSANG's EPIC HUNGOVER POV --

Am I dead. Is this what death feels like. What is life anyway. Where am I. Who am I.

I moved literally 1cm and felt like my brain was going to melt out of my head. I could feel my blanket and also cold ceramic against my cheek. I had clearly fallen asleep in the bathroom. I looked up with all the strength I could muster and saw my arms were wrapped around the toilet bowl, as if I was hugging it all night.

I heard my bedroom door wrench open and it banged against the wall. The vibration sounded like someone had let off a shotgun. It sounded so loud in my head.

In my mind I yelled SHUT THE FUCK UP but out of my mouth only came noises that sounded like a puppy's tail getting sat on.

"Hey spewface!" It was Jongho, absolutely relishing in the scene before him.
Wooyoung and San also made their way into the bathroom, their noses scrunched up in clear disgust at the sight and smell.

"Jesus, Yeo at least flush the spew!" said Wooyoung, leaning over me and flushing the toilet.
With my head pressed against the ceramic it sounded like the fucking ocean was flooding the bathroom. I groaned.

All of a sudden, Mingi bounded into the room too and it's clear he's laughing his ass off at the sight of me so vulnerable.

"Mingi, you're up early," commented San.
"Nah, haven't gone to bed yet" answered Mingi simply.

"Why did you drink so much Yeosang?" said Wooyoung quietly, starting to remove my blanket so he could assess the damage.

Mingi laughed and proceeded to stand over my lifeless body and whip his Mini-Mingi out to pee into the toilet bowl, making an effort to wrench the toilet seat up so it made the maximum amount of noise.

"What have I ever done to you Mingi???" I moan, looking away as my roommate took a piss right next to me.

"What? This is my bathroom too" said Mingi, in an innocent tone that fooled no-one.

Mingi crashed the toilet seat back down once he was done, slightly unnecessary as we are all men.

"What? I'm not a caveman, Yeo" said Mingi in a serious tone looking down at me, but with a malevolent glint in his eye.

Everyone laughed but I was way too hungover to even respond.

"Come on Yeo, get up. You definitely need another shower," San said.

--THIRD Person--

Wooyoung and San sat next to the shower to make sure Yeosang didn't choke or try to drown himself. Wooyoung looked away, wanting to give Yeo his privacy, but San actually reached his hands into the shower to help Yeo couple of times, who kept falling asleep. He even washed Yeosang's hair for him.

It made Wooyoung curious. "Doesn't that make you uncomfortable, Sannie? Seeing Yeosang naked?"

San's expression was blank and unreadable. After a brief pause he said "Why? It's not like I'm attracted to him? We're all friends here, right?" Then he smiled lightly at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung smiled too in response, but it didn't reach his eyes, and he left to go and help with breakfast.

After taking about 45 minutes to put on sweatpants and a V-neck T-shirt, Yeosang made his way down the stairs to the kitchen.

Shy Boy - Kang Yeosang / Ateez FF 18+On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara