Chapter Nine - The Party

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AUTHOR's NOTE: G'day mates.

My third update on YEOSANG DAY  and it's a LONG ONE folks.

I am SMASHING it low key. 

I do my thang. I love maself. DAB.

If you are enjoying me smashing my Aussie brain cells against a keyboard then yeah mate do us a favour and you know that Star icon on the screen? You see how it just an outline? Yeah so if you like this, don't be a shy Yeosang, be a bold Yeosang and make that shit turn orange. Like a carrot. Or an Orange. Or Trump's face-eu i mean what.


Daisy and Yeosang dashed downstairs and split up. Yeosang regretted it almost immediately as he quickly realised that Daisy was his lifeline. Who was he going to talk to, that didn't live here...??

He also couldn't stop thinking about Daisy's hand on his chest. He was feeling a bit short of breath and didn't know why.

Daisy meanwhile grabbed the soju bottle she brought with her, poured a generous measure and downed it in one.

Her heart hadn't quite got back to an acceptable rhythm yet. There was no reason to feel all flustered, it's not like I'm a virgin or anything, Daisy reasoned with herself.

'Penny for your thoughts' said a cheeky voice, and over sauntered a slightly inebriated Yunho. His roguish grin made her smile.
He had noticed her tight, inscrutable expression from across the room and had been determined he would cheer her up. It seemed to work, she really lit up when she smiled like that.
'That's better. How was the study session? Fruitful?'

Daisy opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. She was still deep in thought.

'I'll bet you're a good teacher Daisy" continued Yunho, a little drunk and lot flirtatious. 'Maybe you could tutor me a bit too?' 'I'm not too interested in schoolwork, but I'd love you to show me how to'-

'Umm that's a hard pass for now Yunho' laughed Daisy.

He laughed too and they chatted a bit. It was really easy for them to talk to each other. Yunho was actually really nice, especially when he wasn't shamelessly hitting on her. He definitely put on a bit of an act with the sleaziness, because it seemed like he had a kind heart too. I mean, he is definitely too cute for his own good, Daisy thought. And Daisy was attracted to him just enough for it to be dangerous.

When it boiled down to it, all of this attention was making Daisy realise it had been a good long minute since she'd gotten laid.

And just because it couldn't be Yeosang on principle, doesn't mean it couldn't necessarily be Yunho...right?
Yunho looked like fun and uncomplicated. Best not to lead either of them on until I know for sure what this "deal" with Yeosang entailed. Time to find Seonghwa, the money master, thought Daisy.

She asked Yunho to introduce her to Seonghwa and together they made their way across the room, bypassing the people drinking and dancing and grinding on each other like pepper mills when Yunho pointed out Seonghwa, who was chatting to Hongjoong and another girl.

Yunho started off "Hey guys, this is-

"I'm Daisy. You're Seonghwa, right?" Daisy cut in confidently.

"Hey girl" said Seonghwa, looking Daisy up and down.

Jesus is everyone here a bloody perv?

Daisy rolled her eyes.

'Haha just window shopping, sorry. I know you're spoken for" laughed Seonghwa.

"Umm no actually, no-one speaks for me, least of all a man. And about that, what is the deal exactly? I'd like to see this agreement more detailed, as in a contract in writing please," Daisy laid it out F.L.A.T.

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