Chapter 24: The Fist of Justice!

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"Normal talk"
'Normal thinking'
"Voice talk"
"Hissatsu tactics"

I don't own any of the pictures used here. The credit goes to their rightful owner.
"That Soundtown is getting ready for us Narusaki. It's time to play out the trump card." Hikaru smirks.

'Yes...Hikaru-nii.' Saki replies before one of her eyes flashes purple before it changes back to her original brown.

Saki saw Darren get the ball before he try dribbling past Fordline. But unfortunately for him... "That's 8 beats!" Soundtown shouts before Fordline steals the ball from Darren swiftly like it's a piece of cake.

"Ah!" (Thud!) Darren loses his balance and falls to the ground.

"Shot! Get up, Darren!" Mark encourages her teammate.

"This game is going one-sided now." Saki frowns.

"Have patience Narusaki. For some reason, I feel that Soundtown is not even giving his 100%. We need to wait a little while when for him before we play our trump card." Hikaru said in a calm and serious tone.

Saki nods her head. She was feeling a little worried about her team but she don't want to admit it to anyone.

Fordline is moving forward with the ball and Saki just watches him from her spot with gritted teeth. Her muscles were all tense and her instinct is running wild. She wanted to jump right in but she has to wait. Trust her teammates and let them figure out for themselves to avoid this kind of situation.

If you baby people too much then they will not even bother learning and depend too much on one person only. Both Saki and Hikaru knew that all too well and they want their team to try learning from this battle. Who knows the person they depend on may not be there to guide them in the future.

"That's 16 beats!" Soundtown shouts before Fordline dribbles past Bobby.

"Huh?!!/Huh!!" Bobby and Mark get surprised by this.

"Raimon is struggling to keep up! This game is totally Soundtown's control! There's 2 points difference and they might score or not I'll never know! Will Raimon be able to keep this up?!" The speaker announced.

'What's happening? Nobody is having the ball.' Mark thought getting worried.

"He changed the rhythm! We're going to have to make changes as well." Hikaru said seriously.

Saki was dying to hear this from him. "Roger!" She smirks before she starts to make her move.

'The rhythm is held by the beats. It's as simple as that. If one beat is missed then the rhythm crumbles and falls apart.' Soundtown smirks before it turns into a frown when he noticed Saki blocking his team easily but she never even try to steal or touch the ball. It's as if she is playing with them and at the same time not.

Mary Times did their best to block or avoid Saki getting the ball at the same time and move the ball away from the Raimon team. But she doesn't seem to be interested in stealing the ball from them and this only confuses and annoyed them when she keeps blocking them. It feels like she is giving them too much pressure.

Soundtown frowns. 'Her rhythm changed as well. She is not trying to steal the ball like before but... she's giving pressure on our side. This is not good. On top of that, she is fitting in a new rhythm that crumbed before and giving her team access to recover themselves quickly.'

Saki runs up to one player before she blocks him. Shark tries to get past her but she keeps getting in his way. This made him annoyed. Just then Saki notices Jude from the corner of her eye. She dives in and steals the ball before kicking the ball to Jude.

Inazuma Eleven Reincarnated GeniusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz