Claire's First VLive

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A/N: This is all english btw cuz she likes pissing off the hatters that tell not to speak english


Claire: Hi! Hello! Annyeong!


Omg Claire we have so many questions.

What's happening to ur screen time

Where are your lines


Claire: My lines.. I lost them in my room. Hehe 😂


Stop trolling us 😂😂😂

We need to know

We worry


Claire: Okay I'll tell you. For the lines, my voice doesn't fit the song that well. For the screen time- *gets interrupted* Felix why are you interrupting?

Felix: I was watching the live and I wanted to tell the story.

Claire: Say hi to stay if you wanna tell the story.

Felix: Hi everyone it's Felix! *smiles*


It's Felix and Claire

Sunshine and baby

These two are like surprisingly normal with each other


Claire: Us normal, oh no we're chaotic kids. Felix get to this story.

Felix: So we're filming God's Menu and behind the scenes, and little miss monkey was dared by Hyunjin to climb as high as she could and then jump into his arms.

Claire: He said I wouldn't have the balls to do it and I had to prove him wrong.



This is why you don't leave Hyunjin and Claire alone



Claire: Hey it wasn't just us everyone else was there hyping me up.

Felix: You should of seen Jisung he was like "Claire what ever you do don't hurt yourself".

Claire: All you guys were worried while Seungmin was filming and saying..

Claire/Felix: "Do a flip" *laughs*



Seungmin and Claire at its finest

This is how they show love...


Claire: The fuck? Me and Seungmin hate each other.

Felix: If y'all hate each other so much then why did I see you hugging him?

Claire: How did you know about that?

Felix: Don't have your door cracked.

Claire: *annoyed* Get back to the story now.



Seungmin x Claire 😊

So they do care about each other


Claire: No we don't, Felix get back to the story.

Felix: She made it to the top she slipped and fell, and I'm surprised you didn't crack open your head.

Claire: I guess I'm just lucky. *smiles*

Felix: So she got up realized a pain in her ankle.

Claire: I then screamed "FUCK!!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THE SHITTY FEELING IN MY FUCKEN ANKLE!!!!!???". I was cursing up a storm long was it?

Felix: Until the doctor got there 45 MINUTES.

Claire: Oh yeah, okay Stay moral of the story don't do Hyunjin's dares or else you'll probably get hurt, and with me I have an ankle injury.



I feel like once Claire can walk again the first thing she's gonna do is injure Hyunjin

ClaireJin at it's chaotic 😤✊


Claire: Guys I can walk I just can't use my ankle for nothing but that.

Felix: ..uhm Claire..

Claire: What now?

Felix: Seungmin's at the dorm in your room again.

Claire: OH SHIT, uhm stay I'mma end this live, I'll see you guys later luv you all.


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