How it came to be

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(A/N: That was gonna be the cover but it was too big you see these  italics bold  those are for english)

~September 2009~

-Author's POV-

This is Clarissa Oh, she's 6 at this time and has just moved to a new school in Salinas. She's an only child with her dad and step-mom but Clarissa calls her name Roxanna, they never really got a long. Then since her step-mom had twins you guys had to move. So one day Clarissa was sitting near the hallway door loosing yet another friend for her race. She heard a familiar song, then she see's this girl and the song she heard was Tell Me Your Wish by Girls' Generation. She walked up to her and sat on a bench just watching her dance in amazement. Then the song end once the girl noticed she was being watched.

???: May I help you?

Claire: You like Girls' Generation too, do you also listen to SHINee?

???: Yes but you should go play with your friends the teachers are gonna think I lured you here.

Claire: What's lured?

???: Let's say if a person in a white van says to go in their truck and you go in and get taken. That's what it is.

Claire: But you can't drive.

The girl just chuckled at that response.

???: You're funny, but seriously go play with your friends.

Claire: I don't have any.

???: ....fine you can stay.

Claire: Yay thanks unnie.

Christie: Please just call me Christie.

Claire: Okay my name is Clarissa.

Christie: Nice to meet you, I'mma call you Claire.

They both kept talking about SHINee, Kara's recent comeback, and figuring out what groups they were interested in. Then she went back to class, got picked on for a bit then school was out. She kept waiting and waiting for her step-mom to get here. She took you to your uncle's (her step-mom brother) house because she had to go back to work. Then your uncle just told to go play in the play room, then when you walked in you saw a familiar face.

Christie: Hi pipsqueak.

Claire: Oh hi, what are doing here?

Christie: Your uncle babysits me, even tho I don't need a babysitter.

Claire: Christie you know how you said you can dance sing and rap.

Christie: Yeah why?

Claire: Teach me I wanna be just like Tiffany.

Christie agreed to it and started for this weekend. Claire was happy and excited to be doing this.

-November 5th, 2019-

~Claire's POV~

For the past almost 8 years I spent time in Australia and still me and Christie managed to teach me everything. She has made a company with the help of her father, it's called MY Dance Studios it's also a YouTube channel. We do covers of kpop and freestyles and on the side we do podcasts. I have mine it's called Shine with Claire, I do a whole bunch of shit there. I have this session called Expose the Haters, it's a great moment. Now I'mma be posting my dance cover of SKZ Miroh, and an english cover of My Pace. 

(A/N: Y'all don't need to watch this)

After it was uploaded, I got my podcast stuff and did another episode of Shine With Claire. I then edited it and uploaded it to YouTube and Spotify. Then I went to bed.

~3 Days Later~

-Christie's POV-

I was up reading and replying to every email I had once I though I did them all I see a new email. It's from JYP, I read the whole email and literally screamed in excitement. I got ready and and drove to Clarissa's house to give her that good news.

-Author's POV-

Clarissa was washing dishes while the family were watching TV. Then a knock on the door came and her dad opened opened the door revealed it was Christie.

Christie: Hi Mr. Oh, is Clarissa here, I have exciting news for her.

Mr. Oh: Oh yes she is, Eunkyung-ah!

Claire: What? Why do you have to call me by my Korean name, it's so annoying.

Then Christie ran to Clarissa and gave her a big hug.


Claire: REALLY!!??



Christie: YES!!

The duo screamed in excitement. And Claire ran to her room and started packing. When those two days came she signed a contract with JYP to join Stray Kids. Then the day she was officially leaving, Christie told her about JYP's idea of being a free range idol. It was basically a test to see if he should do that with his other idols. But on the plane you kept thinking to yourself 'Free range? Never heard that for an idol before.'

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