in a land of myth

Start from the beginning

The question confused Merlin, but he found it best not to worry about it now. "You're in Camelot." 

The boy's brows knitted together. "What? No that's– what? No, that can't be– no! I was in New York! This can't be happening, I must be dreaming, holy fuck."

"I don't believe I follow", Merlin said. "My name is Merlin, that there is King Arthur. He said he found you in the woods."

 The boy's eyes widened. "Did I jump fucking universes?! I am not in a tv show right now, this is not real. I must be losing my damn mind." 

The boy started pacing from one side of the room to another. A sob left his throat. "I 've to– I have to get back!" 

"H– hey. Hey! I don't understand what you're talking, but I know that you're scared. It's okay. You just– I need you to calm down", Merlin told him. 

The kid stopped and looked at him, tears running down his face. "I–" his voice broke. 

Merlin slowly walked forward until he was right in front of the boy. "Um, may I?" he asked, opening his arms. 

The boy basically fell to his embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around Merlin's waist and burying his face against the taller man's chest. Merlin wrapped his arms around the child and tried his best to comfort him. 

The rest stood awkwardly at the sidelines. They didn't really know how to deal with a distressed child who made no sense. 

It took the boy a while to calm down. Once he did, they all settled around the table and resumed eating, sharing the little food with the boy. 

The kid was closed off, tears dried on his face and curling in on himself. "I'm sorry", he said quietly. "I shouldn't've broken down like that, I don't know what came over me." 

"It is quite alright, child. Now, if you could tell me your name", Arthur said. 

The boy looked at the table as he spoke. "My name is Peter Parker, sir. This is going to sound crazy but I think I'm from a different universe than you. I'm not sure how I got here, but I need to find a way to get back." 

The table fell silent, before Arthur spoke again. "Right. Okay. Could this be the work of magic?" 

"It is possible Sire, but that kind of magic is ancient and powerful. It has been unheard of for centuries", Gaius told him. "Why would someone use it now? To bring a child here?" 

"On accident, maybe?" Merlin suggested. 

"Or maybe someone wanted to get rid of me", Peter said quietly. "I managed to break this huge crime circle and they were pretty mad at me. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted me out of the way, but– shit, that would mean they figured out my identity." 

"What do you mean by that?" Gwaine asked. 

"That's not important, what's important, is figuring out a way for me to get back", Peter said. "I can't stay here, I have people I need to look after, who I can't just abandon!" 

"I promise you, we will figure this out. In the meanwhile, I can arrange for you to stay at the guest chambers in the palace", Arthur said. 

After three months the Avengers finally managed to track down the people most likely responsible for Peter's disappearance. Tony had him pinned against the wall, repulser pointing at his face, ready to blast. 

"What the hell did you do to my son?" Tony growled at him. 

The man smirked evilly at him. "I blasted him into a different universe. That bug will not disturb us again."

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