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'But seriously, you didn't have to dedicate that song to me. I really only told you that you had a nice voice that creates a beautiful atmosphere that your fans deserve to be a part of,' Jade says to Jace after he managed to get her to take a walk with her halfway past the concert he was invited to perform at.
'I know, but I thought a lot about it. And I decided to share it only because of your feedback. Thank you,' he says, himself not making sense of the whole story he set up. He also recognizes that she's definitely right. But then again, on the other hand, he has a task to complete. And his first attempt is to make her think he's nice.
'If you say so.' They both walk down quite streets in uncomfortable silence. But suddenly Jade starts to laugh uncontrollably. Jace stares at her like she's lost it. But for some reason starts to find it funny too. He tries to stop himself from smiling. But he does anyway.
'Why in the world is this girl laughing?' He asks himself.
'Jade, are you okay?' He asks her in annoyance.
'Yeah. It's just that... well, I usually laugh during long moments of silence. I just think about my sister's reaction when I did that once, and that just makes me laugh,' she explains. He nods in fake understanding, then secretly rolls his eyes. Not believing he's stuck with her.
'Jace?' Her voice sounds serious. 'Are we friends now?' She suddenly asks.
'Uhm, us? Yeah, yeah, totally. We are totally friends,' he says.
'Then tell me the truth. You can't possibly want to be around someone like me. Yet, I've noticed that... I feel as if you're forcing yourself to be my friend. And I don't understand why.'
'I'm not forcing myself to be your friend. I just find you different from a lot of people. And I like that. I like that a lot.'
'I don't believe you. You feel the same way Isabel feels towards me. I'm very much beneath you. I mean that's how people like you see people like me. You're ashamed to even be seen around people like me. So...'

Jace gets closer to her and puts a finger over her lips, looking her straight in the eye.
'Don't you ever speak like that, okay? I don't see you or anybody else as beneath me. I know I've been giving you the wrong impression of who I am. But let me confess to you that I'm not like that. I really am not. And seeing that you're so different from everyone else around me... I mean, you seem kind and gentle and unique and quite and humble and natural, I really think I need someone like that in my life. Please, don't stop me from being your friend. Please?'

The two continue on their walk and slowly but surely the awkwardness decreases. They speak freely to each other about the most random things. That too without worrying about anything. Jace has never had a close friend. And if there's someone he has spoken the most words too in his lifetime, then it would be to Jaddda, his spiritual Mama. And there's only two things he does when he's with a girl. One, I'm sure you can guess. Two, ruin her life without her ever knowing. Oh, and there's a third one, leave her.  But now being forced to be and talk to someone else. Someone that's a human being. Someone he has to make fall in love with him. That shouldn't be too hard for someone who doesn't believe in the 'said' love, right?

'It was a nice walk, Jade. I'm looking forward to doing it again,' Jace says as they stop right infront  of Jade's hotel room.
'Really?' Jade asks with uncertainty.
'Yeah, you don't think so?'
'No, it's not that. I do, I really do. It's just that I'm not the most interesting person to talk to.'
'I don't think so. I find you really interesting. I liked listening to you talk about your family. They're pretty interesting too. So, please, don't ever say that again.'
Jade remains silent and blushing with her head lowered. Jace sees an opportunity and takes slow steps towards her. He uses his finger to slowly lift her head up as she stares at him in confusion. He leans his head closer and tries to kiss her. But she pushes him away just in time.
'No, Jace. I'm... not like that,' she says.
'Come on, Jade. Don't pretend you're not interested in me. Let's just do it and get it over with.'
'Excuse me? I just told you that I'm not that type of girl. Now goodnight.' She turns to unlock her door. Soon enough she feels Jace's hands wrap around her waist and his mouth taking a journey from her cheek towards her lips. If not for her quick move then who knows how close they would have gotten? Yes, her very quick move right across his face.
'Listen to me and listen good, sir! I'm not one of those girls that you play around with. I have never been and will never be. Don't you ever dare to lift your finger to touch any part of me again. I should have expected this from people like you. With absolutely no respect for a lady. When a lady says no, then that means no, Mr. Norman. Goodnight.' Jade storms into her room and sits her tense body on her bed. 'How dare he? He thinks that just because he's Jace Norman every girl must be crazy about him. Well, then he has another thing coming.'

Jace angrily gets into his room and stares at his reflection in the mirror. His anger speeding through every part of his body.
'How dare she? She dared to lift a hand on me when even my mother can't look me in the eye. She... I'm going to kill that girl!' He quickly lifts up a lamp from the side table and sends it crashing hard against the wall.
'Jace.' He hears a soft feminine voice call him. He looks around the room but sees no one.
'Who is it?' He asks.
'Jace,' the voice repeats.
'Who the  ******* is it?' He yells.
'Jace. You've taken a wrong step. You shouldn't have thrown yourself on her like that. I told you before, Jace. I told you that she's not like others. She's a different type. So, you have to treat her differently,' Jadda's thundering voice echoes.
'I'm going to kill her!' Jace spits.
'No, Jace. Don't let me down. Don't let our king down. Her soul is very precious. Much more precious than the souls of ten thousand put together. You can't abandon the task now.'
'But she dared to raise her hand on...'
'Because you left her no choice. Not like this, Jace. Take it slow! Take is slow. Take it slow. Slow. Slow. Ow,' her voice slowly fades away. Leaving Jace even more furious than before.
'I will  crush you, Jade. This is my promise to you. I will crush you and personally hand your soul over. This is my word. And Jace Norman will always be behind his word.'

Jace Norman is the devil's son (Jace Norman and Jade PettyjonWhere stories live. Discover now