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'Dear, God, steady my heart. I surrender everything into your hands. You know I can't do anything without you. Be with me as you always are. Please, father,' Jade ends her fifth prayer this morning. She has the habit of always being in the Lord's presence. Something no one can take away from her with all the power there is in the world. You haven't understood a relationship until you've met Jade and Christ together. You haven't envied a friendship until you've met Jade and Christ together. He's everything to her and she's his beloved.

She quickly jumps out of her single bed, leaving her 6 year old, little brother, Henry, half-tucked into his bed. She runs to where the voices she just heard are coming from. Her face immediately brightens the moment she lays eyes on her older sister, Phoebe who's chatting with their parents.
'Phoebe!' Jade runs into her arms as she stands up to welcome her.  'You're here early,' she exclaims.
'You didn't say good morning to Mom and Dad, Jade,' Phoebe points out.
'Oh, my bad. I was just so excited to see you. Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Dad.'
'Good morning, Jade,' Their mother says dryly.
'Are you still sad?' Jade asks her Mom, directing herself towards her and sitting at her feet.
'Of course I still am. Phoebe decided to grow up too fast and get married. Then she moved away to far away land. She left me. And now you've completed your high school. You want to move away with your sister. Jasper is still in high school but soon he and Henry will do the same. Then we'll have no more kids,' she cries.
'Oh, Mom, please. I'm not that far away. We visit all the time and you do too. And Jade has decided to take a gap year so she can work, but I'm sure she'll always make time to visit. Don't worry about Jasper. Henry is just a few years old. He won't be going anywhere anytime soon,' Phoebe laughs while her mother cries.
'You don't understand, Phoebe. You've been a part of our lives for so long. We've grown so attached to you that it's hard each time we have to let you guys go,' their Dad says, caressing their Mom's shoulder.
'You guys have always been the babies. It's funny how you're still being babies even now. Don't get too worried. I'll take good care of my little sister. Anyways, Mom and Dad, traffic is going to get worse. Without traffic it's already going to take us a couple hours to get to my house. If we waste any time we'll get there after two years,' Phoebe laughs.
'Jade, dear, have you packed up everything you'll take with you?' Dad asks.
'Yes, but I still need to take my bath. Sorry, Phoebs. I forgot to set the alarm in all the excitement. I couldn't contain it. I'll be right back,' Jade says, quickly running to her's and Henry's room.

After taking her shower she picks up her suitcase and walks towards the door. Stopping in her tracks, she looks back at her brother still sleeping. She doesn't want to wake him up, she won't be able to contain herself. Goodbye is always the hardest thing to say. Especially to such an adorable boy. She drops her suitcase next to the door and walks up to him. She stares at his little face in pain before planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
'I'll miss you, baby. Take care of Mom and Dad. Jasper too. I'm not going too far, but I feel as though I am. God bless you, Hen. I'll miss you.'

Saying bye to Mom and Dad proves to be harder than stepping out of her house. After all, she has stayed here her whole life. And when Phoebe sees a tear drop from her sister's eye as they're sitted in her car, she decides to break the silence.
'It's not like you're going to Far Away Land as Mom likes to say,' Phoebe laughs.
'I know. I'll just miss them all so much. Just like how I missed you when you left,' Jade cries.
'It's okay. It's a new start. I also remember feeling like that when I left home. I still remember those days. I... I wasted my life despite Dad's upbringing. I did horrible things that I'm proud you didn't follow in my footsteps. But I had a new platform to redeem myself. I got married to a wonderful man. But there has always been that guilt in me. Something that never lets me forget my past. Not just that but also that my younger sister has just completed her high school and I don't even have enough money to send her to university or college. I felt so ashamed coming home to fetch you so you can come and work. It should have been me paying for all those expenses. Yet I... I...' Phoebe pulls over when she is unable to handle it anymore. Jade stares at her as she breaks down. Suddenly she moves her hand to reach for Phoebe's.

'No one judging you for your past. You know our parents have already forgiven you. And God has too if you've sincerely repented of your old ways. I don't feel bothered in any way that I have to work in order to raise enough money for college. It's part of life. Other people have it worse, you know,' Jade smiles.
'Yeah, but if only I hadn't...'
'Haven't you heard that the depth of your past is the indication of the height of your future? But that doesn't mean your current situation is your final destination. Listen, Phoebs. Always remember that we have recieved grace. Not as a liscense to keep sinning. But as what turns a thief into a giver. You're not your past. You're your current, and that will determine your future. And your current has to be Christ. We're... we're favored. And that's what makes the difference between us and a lot of people. There are different levels of peace and joy and happiness. A rich man has satisfaction. And a poor man who recieves food is satisfied too. They're on different levels, but they both have peace. And sometimes we feel judged and disliked, but all you have to do is kmow that favor isn't fair. You don't understand it, you don't deserve it. But it's there.'

Phoebe just smiles at Jade. In her head, Jade doesn't understand anything. She thinks that she'll have to be in her shoes to understand what she means. But oh boy, that's far from the truth.

'Jade! I was eagerly expecting you since we planned for you to come stay here. I'm really glad you're here. Especially for your sister. She has no friends whatsoever,' Pheobe's husband, Link smiles, hugging Jade.
'Please, let her at least sit down before you start filling her head with nonsense, Link,' Phoebe says, pulling his ear as she sets her bag down on the sofa in her house.

Jace Norman is the devil's son (Jace Norman and Jade PettyjonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu