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Jade quietly walks down the street her brother-in-law directed her towards. She's walking to a bakery downtown to see if she San  get the job the owner, Mr Lincoln, was offering to be a waitress.
'Good morning, sir. Uhm, my brother-in-law, Link, directed me here. He said that a certain Mr Lincoln was offering two posts for waitressing. I...'
'Uh, yes. I completely forgot that Link told me about you. Yes, I'm very sorry. I gave the jobs away. I completely forgot, dear,' Mr. Lincoln apologizes. 
'It's okay, sir. Thank you for everything anyways,' Jade smiles sadly, pushing away the disappointment.
'Uhm, young lady,' Mr Lincoln calls her back just when she's about to step out of the bakery. She quickly turns around with hope written all over her face.
Mr. Lincoln walks up to her.
'Listen, Link is a very good friend of my family's. And because of that I... well, my daughter has to take a few months off from her job in order to travel for personal matters. She has been looking for someone to hold her post at work until she gets back from the trip. If you want then I can talk to her,' he says.
'Oh, sir, that would mean the world to me. Please, do,' Jade begs happily.
'Come back here tomorrow. I'll see what I can do for you. But I'm not promising that she hasn't found someone yet, kiddo,' he sighs.
'That's more than enough for me, sir. I'll be here tomorrow morning.' Jade waves her way out, forgetting to even ask what type of job his daughter occupies. Anyways, he seems like a righteous man. Seems. If there is something that Jade knows, then it's that people aren't always what they appear to be.

Early in the morning Jade leaves her sister's house to meet Mr. Lincoln in his bakery. Only hoping for the best.
'Guess you're in luck, dear. I spoke to my daughter. She almost had someone else get the job. Anyways, I know the industry she works with. It requires someone very decent. And knowing Link and his wife, I mean... knowing Phoebe, I'm sure you're a decent girl.' Mr. Lincoln scratches his head.
'Decent girl? I mean... I don't understand,' Jade asks in fear and confusion, making him laugh.
'Oh, don't worry. It's not a bad job. Just that some things get to your head. Things I couldn't stop from getting into my daughter's head,' he laughs. Jade still stares at him in confusion. What in the world is he talking about?
'Do you know the famous musician and actor, uhm, what's his name again? Uh, Jace Norman. Yes, Jace Norman.'
'No, I've never heard of him,' she says.
'Well, that's surprising. The younger generation is crazy about him. Anyways, that's his name. My daughter's job was to be his right hand lady. It's not too much really, but you get paid really well. You're just his direct contact with the world. You book his meetings. Communicate for him when necessary. Make sure he gets what he wants. Help Jim with his music. Manage his marketing etc.'
'Oh, I see. In that case it's okay. That doesn't seem too hard,' Jade smiles.
'Then perfect. I'll schedule a meeting for you and my daughter. She'll tell you all you need to know. Just remember that you're only filling up for her. She'll be back in a couple of months.'

'So, that's just about it. Follow him around. You're kind of like his tail,' Shelby laughs, taking a sip out of her smoothie.
'His tail?' Jade asks her, Mr. Lincoln's daughter.
'Yes, his tail. He doesn't like dealing with all the people that he works with directly. So, I'm he's speaker. That's what you'll do. Make sure he gets what he wants on time. And I'm serious about that. Jace isn't that easy to handle, let me tell you this now. He's actually impossible to handle. But the thing is that he and I... you know? We're in a relationship. And as I said, you'll be replacing everything that I am to him. Everything except being his woman. That's why I'm there. You simply just focus on your work, perfect?' Shelby asks, adding dead seriousness to her tone.
'You won't have to worry about that. All I want to do is raise enough money for me to continue with my studies. I'm not interested in such.' Jade makes it very clear to her that she is no threat to her and the said Jace's relationship.

Don't misunderstand. Relationships are of utmost importance to Jade. Especially her relationship with God. Then her relationship with her family. She doesn't have too many close friends. Non, in fact. Not by choice... but, whatever. But if there's a relationship she's not interested in ever having, then it's a romantic relationship. There's no need for it in her life anyways. She wants to be independent. She doesn't want to have to think and worry about what someone else thinks of her.

Jace Norman is the devil's son (Jace Norman and Jade PettyjonWhere stories live. Discover now