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Jace thinks of another way to approach Jade in order to make a conversation. He feels silly because he has never had to show interest in a girl. It's always the other way around. He didn't have to pay attention to his choreographer and movement instructor for stage set directions. All he had to do was steal it from their minds by just looking into their eyes. But as a formality, he always has to pretend to make mistakes.

'I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you. Can I?' Jace suddenly asks Jade.
'Hum, well...I guess so.'
'Good. Come with me,' he says, taking her hand and pulling her with him. Surprised, Jade follows behind. He gets her into a small room with quite a few instruments and a single stool set in the middle of the room.
'I... I was thinking about what you said about my music and I thought I should show you a different part of me,' he says, closing the door.
'Jace,' she sighs. 'I wasn't saying anything is wrong with...'
'I know, I know, I know. I know you weren't. But I still wanted to show you something. I.. I rap because I... because I can? And I feel like most people prefer a rapper over someone who just sings ordinary songs. I mean... I can't explain it. Can I just show you?' He asks her and she nods slowly, not fully grasping what exactly is going on.

Jace sits on the stool and grabs a guitar. He hits some notes, forcing himself to look insecure. It's not for nothing that he's a multiple award-winning actor. He then puts the guitar down and stands up.
'What happened?' Jade asks him concerned.
'I probably shouldn't show this to you. The truth is that I've always felt insecure about my singing voice. I've always been a rapper. I have recorded a few singles. But I didn't launch them. Anyways, I should probably go and rehearse for my performance tonight.'
'Wait, please. I really want to hear you sing,' Jade smiles shyly.
'Are you sure? I... fine. I'll show you.' He picks up the guitar and sits himself on the stool again.

'I remembered her clearly, but she never recognized me. T'was me that layed my coat for you, when he took the credit. T'was me that sent you gifts, that I saw myself walk past next to the trash can near your house.
T'was me that cried more than you did, when I found out you lost your cat. T'was me that loved you more than he did.'

'I looked into your eyes, you looked into mines. I saw grand beauty, you saw a mad man. You asked yourself why I always stared at you. I asked myself if I would ever be able to stop.
I saw you two holding hands, and I felt my heart break. The love I give, isn't the love I get. It doesn't hurt anymore, because I'm used to it. As long as you're happy, then so am I.'
'Even when I'm happy, I remember my sadness. Then we board that train all over again. I can't tell you how much I'm missing you, because I can't keep track.'

'No regrets, I never regret. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Fire and ice, we both still bleed. Your loss is my loss. Your gain is yours. Your happiness excludes me, mine includes yours. Even when I'm happy I remember my sadness. Then we board that train all over again. I can't tell you how much I'm missing you, because I can't keep track.'
'You're everything to me. The day your heart stops beating, the day I'll stop mine. And if mine stops before yours, then have a happy life. Even when I'm happy I remember my sadness. Then we board that train all over again. I can't tell you how much I'm missing you, because I can't keep track.'

Ending the song, he lifts his head to met Jade's steady gaze and her parted lips.
'So, what do you think?' He asks, tapping on the edges of the guitar.
'I'm amazed. I honestly think that you have an awesome voice. I don't see why you hide it. To be honest, you sing better than you rap,' she says, lowering her head.
'You think?' He laughs.
'Yeah, I mean, it was beautiful and calm and heartfelt. It had depth. I really liked it. Not to mention the lyrics. Is it an original song?'
'Yeah, it is. I wrote it a few years back.'
'From a personal experience?'
'Yeah. There was a girl I met when I was a bit younger,' he lies.
'Why don't you play a similar song tonight? Let your fans see that part of you they've never seen before. You have a beautiful singing voice. And the song is really nice,' she compliments.
'I'll think about it.'

Much to Jade's expectation, she realizes that Jace isn't going to play one of his original songs. The soft and decent ones.
'Uh, thanks, everyone, for all your support. I only have enough time here tonight. But thank you once again for having me. Uhm, my next song is dedicated to a new friend of mines. She... she let me know that it's important for me to let my fans, who have become like my family, know everything that makes me who I am. My music represents me. You all are used to me rapping, but tonight I want to dedicate a special song to her for helping me overcome that fear of not just letting the deeper thoughts be heard, but also the deeper emotions.'

'When I cry my lungs a snack,
Begging you to comeback,
You decide to ignore.
And I only miss you more.
Why didn't you see the need to remain?
Determined to refrain from everything between us that was main.
I consider my loneliness,
And what's left of the mess.
But it's too late to have you back.
If only I had put you in a sack.
I consider my lonliness,
sometimes forgetting to hope you'd comeback.
I might be surrounded by everyone.
But I lost someone.
Someone that can't be replaced with anyone.
My sanity is at stake.
But a distraction, I will make.'

'Who said it was easy?
You chose the other way out.
Even if I got a heart of a fighter.
Making me stronger than a tiger.
It all seems mightier.
Burning like a fire.
It will all fall to place.
And then become a worthwhile chase.'

'When I cry my lungs a snack,
Begging you to comeback,
You decide to ignore.
And I only miss you more.'

And with that the crowd goes wild. Surprising even Jace himself. That was his most influencing performance of all time. The audience appreciates it more than they do his other songs. And that for some strange reason makes him feel... good?

Jace Norman is the devil's son (Jace Norman and Jade PettyjonWhere stories live. Discover now