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It makes no sense to Jace that he's the one that has to complete such a task in order for him to become more powerful. It makes no sense to Jace that he has to get married to a mermaid for the same reason. But if it's power he wants, it's power he'll get. He doesn't want to be the 22 year old who can only destroy lives. He wants to kill. He thirsts for human blood.
'She's a girl, and I'm Jace Norman. It won't be too hard for me to make her fall in love with me. I'll make her fall so hard she'll lose her mind,' Jace smirks at himself as he spins around in a swivel chair in his hotel room. It's hard for him to find any sleep since he stays up all night thinking about how much power he'll finally have after the easy task of making Jade fall for him. What does destiny have in store for the him?

Jade searches for Mrs. Laurene's number from a the files she's holding, in order to talk to her about the interview that she has with Jace after his tour and return. As she's walking and not paying too much attention to where she's going, she bumps into a body, dropping all the papers she's holding on the floor. She quickly apologizes as she rushes to the floor to pick the flying pages without looking up to see who the person she bumped into is.

Jace looks down at her in anger, but upon remembering that the task that he has to accomplish, he slowly squats down to her level and helps her gather the pages. Seeing the unfamiliar hands picking up the pages with her, Jade slowly lifts her head and meets Jace's gaze. Surprised, she freezes.
'Sir, what are you doing?' She asks slowly. She didn't think before she said that, but anyone would be surprised to see Jace Norman do whatever it is he's doing.
'What's wrong? I bumped into you, so I should help you, right?' He says, wondering where that came out from.
'It's okay. I'll continue,' she says. She quickly stands up and meets his steady gaze again.
'Thank you, sir,' she says, taking the pages from his hands.
'Please, don't call me sir. Just Jace,' he smiles. The manner in which he's slapping himself inside his head is enough to kill him. Jade lifts her brows then quickly drops them to a smile.
'Sure, Jace.' The feeling of calling him by his name for the first time doesn't sit so well.
'Where has he hit his head?' She questions herself ones she's alone. She decides to put everything behind her, believing it's too good to last.

Jade follows Jace and all the people around him as he enters the stadium where his next performance is due. She stands around waiting for him to finish talking to the people around him. But that doesn't seem to change until the end of his performances. The crowd goes wild for Jace. Is that an understatement or what? He himself is not sure if it's the powers he possesses that gets people so attracted to him, or his natural charm. That too is the understatement of the century.
'Thank you!' He yells to the crowd the end of his performance and raises his hand as if he just recieved the Noble Peace prize.

When Jace sees Jade standing alone in a corner, he leaves the people around him and walks up to her. Not sure what will come out of his mouth. But his words ought to be slow steps to destruction.
'Hey,' he greets with a broad smile.
'What did you think of my performance?' He asks her.
'Me? Well, I... I... It was fine,' she stutters.
'Really? Just fine?' Jace asks. He himself is not sure why he's actually surprised at her answer. He was only trying to make conversation, but her answer really did surprise him.
'Well, to be honest with you I... no offense, but I'm not a fan of rap music. I've never been, it's nothing personal. But the audience loves you,' she points out.
'What kind of music do you like?' He asks curiously.
'I usually listen to gospel music,' she says.
'Other than that?' He asks. But before she can answer, A man dressed in all black approaches them.
'Jace. You have autographs to deal with,' the man says.
'Yeah. I'll be right there,' he says to him, then nods his excuses away to Jade. She nods her head slightly and watches him leave with the man.

Jace enjoys signing autographs and listening to people yell his name. Taking photos with fans etc. The closer he is, the more power he has on their lives.
But remembering his task, he escapes the loud fans and sets off to quickly find Jade.

'Hey, you didn't tell me what type of music you like,' his voice creeps up behind Jade. Making her drop the glass of juice she was holding.
'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you,' Jace apologizes with fake concern.
'It's okay. I was getting bored of it anyways,' she smiles. She squats down to pick up the broken glass pieces but Jace's hand stops her.
'Don't worry. Someone will clean it up,' he says.
'No. I can clean it. It's not fair for someone to clean my mess up. I'll do it,' she insists. Jace watches her as she picks the glass pieces up. He can actually hear Jaddda's voice try to push him into helping her. But his pride won't let him. Sooner rather than later his mother, Jaddda's voice gets the better of him. He sighs in frustration and defeat and decides to help her.
'Don't worry. I'll...' Jade starts.
'It was my fault,' he says. Soon enough his carelessness gets him a cut on his finger, causing a small sigh of frustration and anger to escape his mouth as small blood drops mix with the spilt orange juice. He quickly stands up straight and turns around, his back facing Jade's front. His powers allow his wound to quickly heal and disappear without trace. As if absolutely nothing happened. But hearing Jade's concerned voice approach him, he has no choice but to let the cut reappear.
'Are you okay?' She asks. When he turns around, she takes a look at his thumb.
'You're bleeding,' she says.
'Really? I didn't realize,' he almost bites out loud.
'It's nothing,' he says instead, not hiding his annoyance.
'I'll be right back,' she says, walking away from him. He rolls his eyes and rubs his eyes using his thumb and index finger. Before he can walk away, Jade rushes up to her with a cotton half soaked in purple liquid, and one end of a plaster sticking to her index finger. She gently presses the wet cotton to his wound and he pretends to be in slight pain. His eyes watch her intently as she carefully wraps the plaster around his finger.
'Is it okay?' She asks him.
'Yeah, thanks,' he says and she smiles warmly. Saying thank you tastes bitter in his mouth and sounds sour. Especially if it's directed towards a classless girl like Jade. Well, simple girl should be the word.

'You didn't tell me what kind of music you like,' Shaan's voice, as usual, startles Jade on the second day of their trip as she scans through some documents.
'Good morning to you too,' she smiles at him. At first he's confused, but then catches up on her. Wow, she's going to drive me crazy, he's probably thinking.
'Oh, uhm, sorry. Good morning, Jade.' He pretends to scratch his head in embarrassment. She laughs in amusement and he secretly glares at her.
'What's so funny?' He thinks to himself.

'I was just kidding. My sister does that to me all the time. I guess I miss her,' she finally speaks.
'I see.'
'Are you ready? Your car will arrive to leave for the stadium soon,' she says. If there's something he doesn't like, then it's being reminded of things he already knows.
'Jace!' He hears Jaddda's voice scold him. Reminding him that he has to tolerate her if he wants to get this 'easy' task done.
'You didn't answer my question. You didn't tell me the other type of music you usually listen to,' he says.
'Why do you want to know that so badly?' She asks.
'Well, because... because... I... I don't understand why you don't like trap music.
I... I think everyone is. I... I didn't understand why you don't like my music,' he says. This time the curiosity is real.
'I didn't say I don't like your music. I didn't mean it like that. I just think that everyone has their own preferences. Besides, you have a lot of people that like your music. Please, don't take it the wrong way.'
'So, what's the answer to my question?'
'Gospel. I really enjoy gospel music. But sometimes I like songs that are soft and gentle. Ones that speak to the heart. Like a beautiful song about love.'
Jace doesn't say anything else. He just nods in understanding and slowly walks out the hotel's large glass doors.

Jace Norman is the devil's son (Jace Norman and Jade PettyjonWhere stories live. Discover now