3. First Impressions

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I hear the sound of the elevator whizzing above me, and I know that it must be him. The Winter Soldier. Thor's loud voice booms from above (he can be extremely loud,) and my guess is confirmed.

I glance over at the room The Winter Soldier is supposed to sleep in (opposite of mine), from my spot on my couch, fidgeting uncomfortably with the too-tight cuffs around both of my wrists, (designed to prevent me from using magic.) When Stark first proposed putting the newcomer in my room, I blatantly refused. Until Thor threatened to send me back to Asgard. There was no way in Hel that I was returning to that Norns-forsaken dungeon, forced to face the reality of the decision that killed Her. 'Don't you DARE think about Frigga' my mind begs, but it's too late, my mind is already spiralling to her death.

Frigga. My adoptive mother, and the only one who actually showed they cared. We may not have been blood family, but she was always there for me, even when I was wrong. 'and to believe the last thing you said to her was "You're not my mother."' My thoughts snarl and I quickly whip back out the novel I was reading; Stephen King's: The Green Mile. A fascinating novel. I dive into the story, trying to remove all thoughts about Mother.

 I had only completed a few chapters when the voice of JARVIS, Stark's AI interrupts me. "Mr. Rogers is seeking permission to enter.

I wave a hand, "Let them in."

Steve enters first, then behind him, The Winter Soldier. He was tall (about an inch taller than me, which was impressive, considering very few of Thor's friends are actually taller than me.), his dark brown hair falling over his face and brushing his broad shoulders (which are hunched, as if he wanted to disappear). 

Standing up gracefully, I glide over, offering my right hand to shake. After a moment of hesitation, The Soldier removes his hand from the pocket of his leather jacket, and I realize why. His entire left hand is made of metal (in fact, if I am to be correct, The Winter Soldier's entire left arm is made of the strongest metal on Midgard: Vibranium, the same material that makes up the Captain's shield).

I shake his hand, the metal of his hand cool to the touch, "Loki Laufeyson," I introduce myself with a slight head tilt. The moment I release his hand, The Soldier shoves it back into his pocket.

"James Buchanan Barnes, but most people just call me Bucky," he replies softly, looking at his feet.

"I think I'll join the minority then. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance James." I grin rakishly, and James smiles back nervously.

"I should leave the two of you to get... acquainted." Steve turns to James. "If you need anything, I'll be on the top floor, okay Buck?" He nods and Steve leaves, the elevator closing behind him.

I gesture to the room with the silver door and blood-red star. "That room is yours. if there is anything you want to change, just ask JARVIS, and he'll see what he can do."

"Thanks," James mumbles softly, and he heads towards his door. 

I watch him walk away curiously, this man is nothing like the terrifying Winter Soldier Natasha had described, he was just... sad. I feel my heart wince in pity.

James returns a moment later, the small duffel bag he was carrying before gone. Now, he had a small box in his hands. He sits down quietly on the couch beside where I lounge on my dark green loveseat. Carefully, James removes the lid of the box and takes out an ancient-looking letter. As he reads it, a bittersweet smile appears on his face.

Realizing that I have been staring, I avert my eyes back to my book. We lapse into silence, not exactly uncomfortable, but not the most comfortable silence either. Questions bubble up, so I speak, breaking the silence. "Who's the letter from?" I gesture to the yellowed paper in his hands.

"Oh, This." James looks down at the envelope, "It was a letter written to me from my family when I was fighting in World War Two."

"Oh right. The Captain mentioned that you guys were childhood buddies."

He looks at me nervously, "What all, did he tell you?"

"Oh, not much. Just that you were his old friend from the 40s, and that he thought you had died." I look over him slowly, "Though, from the looks of it, you're just as young as before you," I make quotation marks, 'died.' Also, I know that you were an assassin for HYDRA." I add, "Seriously though, you aged well."

James was quite good-looking. Now that his hair was out of his face, I could get a better look at him. Intense dark blue-gray eyes framed by dark lashes, chiselled jaw,  a slight amount of stubble (I'm not much of a facial hair guy, but James pulled it off,) and a shy smile. (I'm pretty sure I could even detect a slight Brooklynn accent.)

"Thanks." James smiles slightly, "To answer your question, HYDRA would put me in a coma sleep called Cryostasis. It kept me young between missions. Without it, I would look just as old as I actually am. Which is 95."

I wave a hand dismissively, "That's not that old. At least, not compared to me."

"That's good to know."

We lapse into another round of silence as James continues to sort through the pictures and letters in his box. I watch him curiously but make sure that he doesn't notice.

Eventually, I break the silence. "So. what's your story?"

"My story?" James looks up from his letters.

"You know, what brought you to the Tower. If it brings you any comfort, I'll tell you my story first."

James shrugs, "If you want to. I don't mind hearing it."

I debate where to start. "What all, have you heard about me? Just so that I know what to say." No need to repeat what he already knows. Besides, I need to figure out what I want to reveal.

"I know that you're from Asgard and that you attacked earth a few years ago with an army of aliens, and that a relic called the Tesseract was involved. After that, you were sent back to Asgard. I'm not sure why you're back though."

"Well, long story short, I helped Thor stop the invasion of evil creatures called Dark Elves from destroying the nine realms," (though really, they're more like tele-tubbies) "I was wounded in battle and sent back to Asgard. Odin took the time that I was put in a healing coma to look at my mind, and figure out my motives on why I tried to take over Midgard.

"That was when Odin discovered the truth about my attack. Turns out, I had been recruited by a being of great power when I had left Asgard (because of circumstances you don't need to know about) and put into a form of mind control. In that state, he sent me to earth to retrieve the Tesseract, promising me Midgard in return for my help. Unfortunately, Odin could not find out the name of the being that sent me to your planet. I swore an oath of secrecy so powerful that I cannot even think his name, or speak of where he is, what he made me do, or why he wanted the Tesseract."

I continue to speak, "As "thanks" for my help, Odin sent me here, where I will spend the rest of my days under the watchful eyes of the Avengers. So here I am, three months later, talking to you."

We both sit in silence while James processes what I had said. It sounded pretty far-fetched, I'm sure. One of the deadliest and most feared villains of this era was innocent? Formerly under the influence of mind control? Not exactly a very believable story.

James grimaces, "Well, I guess it's my turn."

(A/N: Hello peoples! Sorry, I haven't got a chance to update soon, I had to pretty much write this chapter from the ground up, and school has been chaotic this first month. Anyways, hopefully updating soon. Love ya bunches!   -Skye.)

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