2. Introductions

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As we enter the enormous tower, Steve walks up to a girl sitting at a desk. She looks up from the computer she is working at and smiles warmly "Good evening Mr. Rogers, what can I do for ya?" The girl pushes her glasses up her nose. She acts calm, but there is an undercurrent of awe in her dark brown eyes.

"Evening Skye," He replies with a friendly smile, "Also, I told you to just call me Steve." 

"No problem Mr. Steve" She teases with a grin. "need any help?"

"Just call me Steve."

"No. No, I don't think I will." Skye smirks.

Steve rolls his eyes, "Would you mind registering my friend into JARVIS' Avengers'level command settings?" He gestures to me, and Skye smiles.

"No problem Mr. Steve" Skye turns to me "What is your name sir?" she asks.

"James Buchanan Barnes," I reply, and she types something into her computer.

She turns back to me, "I'm gonna need your fingerprint, Mr. Barnes. The system needs a way to identify you." I nod. "Okay, just place your hand, here." I put my hand on some sort of scanner that she holds out. There is a loud BEEP!, and I jump slightly. 

"Kay. Mr. Barnes can now travel anywhere in the tower as long as he asks JARVIS."

"Thanks, kid."  Steve smiles at her.

 "It's no problem, Mr. Steve." The girl faces me, "Welcome to Avengers Tower, Mr. Barnes," Skye says warmly.

"Thanks," I mumble, following Steve to an elevator.

We enter the elevator. "It's all by voice command. All you need to do is speak." Steve looks up, "Hey JARVIS." 

"Good evening Mr.Rogers. Mr.Barnes." A formal British voice sounds from out of nowhere, "I am JARVIS. If you have any questions, requests, or need to travel anywhere in the tower, just ask me."

"Hey Steve, what exactly is JARVIS?" I ask him. Due to the fact I only was awake long enough to assassinate people, I was only given brief instructions on new technology (the most I got was on how to use the new weaponry).

"JARVIS is Tony's AI. He controls all technology in the tower, and he's the most advanced Artificial Intelligence created yet. Apparently." Steve replies. "Tell JARVIS to take us to the top."

I nod. "JARVIS, please take us to the top." 

"Of course, Mr.Barnes" The AI replies, and the elevator begins to ascend.

"For the most part, each Avenger has their own floor." Steve informs me, "You'll be sharing a floor with your roommate, who you'll be meeting soon."

I smirk, "Still not gonna tell me who I'll be living with?"


The elevator stops moving, but it doesn't open. I tilt my head, "Why'd it stop?" but I already know the answer.

"It will only open when you tell it to." In translation: "I can stand here all day, and I will. You only go in there when you're ready, I won't force you." 

I nod silently, "JARVIS, open the door. Please." I add as an afterthought.

"Yes sir" The elevator door opens up to a room full of people. I assess the room, memorizing each face, trying to figure out which person I would be roommates with. Until the tallest one, a muscular blonde guy strides over. He holds out his large hand with a smile, "My name is Thor Odinson, The God of Thunder." He clasps his hand in mine with a firm shake.

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