Q&A with AshesAshesOhNo

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Thank-you for 3.1k reads! *Laughs in 3000*

The lovely @AshesAshes0hNo was kind enough to send me a whole bunch of questions. So thanks!

@AshesAshes0hNo: What sprouted your interest for making a Loki x bucky story?

A: Honestly, that's a long story I was on DeviantArt, and I stumbled upon the artist Dketchen, who has fanarts of them. I began thinking (*Uh-Oh*) about how their personalities differed and were similar. 

I pictured them meeting (maybe after Endgame,) and Loki being fascinated by this shy mortal who has been through years of trauma and pain, not being able to fathom how Bucky can still have such a pure, kind personality when most people are turned dark by much less. I could see him feeling pity for Bucky's unfortunate circumstances. 

I also think that Bucky would try and be nice because he doesn't believe he has the right to judge people after what he's done. But he would be curious about meeting a GOD, even if all the stories about Loki are bad. 

Keep in mind, Loki never met Bucky when he was a villain, and Bucky was in Cryo when Loki attacked New York, so they have no biases against one another. as long as there was no meddling from the other Avengers, they would probably become close. 

Due to the similar backstories of mind control and torture, I believe that a bond would form between them, turning them into very close friends. 

Loki is much gentler and kindhearted than he tends to behave, but only to certain people, and since Frigga's death, has placed his heart in an iron box and cast it away. Maybe Bucky could be the one to bring out his gentle side, the side that was once open to love? Loki never truly got a chance to confront his feelings on New York, his Jotun heritage, and Frigga, he bottled it all up, maybe Bucky could help him finally come to terms with everything that he went through.

Bucky is very traumatized, so maybe his closeness with a newfound friend could help him learn to not fear his emotions anymore? Remember that Bucky doesn't have very many friends anymore, so he would cling to what he's got left: Loki. Maybe our lovely Lil' mischief-maker could help him move on from his past and look at the future?

Even if it wasn't a romance, I think that these characters deserve to meet. Nothing is harder than trying to heal without help, and they could provide one another the comfort they need. I also love the fact that the shipping name is "Lucky," which could symbolize a second chance with someone who understands you inside and out.

All I know is that it became my OTP quickly. Click BOOM then it happened!

@AshesAshes0hNo: If this story were/is/had it's own AU, what would you name it?

A: Probably still "Getting Lucky." I'm a hopeless romantic, and I've had different ideas for Lucky ship stories. Who knows? Maybe I'll start a one-shot book.

@AshesAshes0hNo: Was there any research you had to do prior to publishing any chapters?

A: Yes. I hadn't watched all the Marvel movies when I began this, so I had to go onto the official Marvel Wikia page for details on the movies. I'm actually writing this all out on paper currently. What you're reading, is a good copy of a story that I started almost a year ago, and still haven't finished (it's  VERY long. 316 pages at the moment, and I'm just over half done. and this is in one of those giant subject notebooks by the brand Hilroy.) 

@AshesAshes0hNo: If you could make Bucky a cake, what would it look like?

A: Honestly, probably a chocolate cake with gray icing that says: "Bucking hell you're old!"

@AshesAshes0hNo: Would you be a goblin or a faerie?

A: I would like to imagine I'd be a tiny pretty little fairy, but I'm a bit too dark. So a goblin :)

@AshesAshes0hNo: Who do you relate more to, Loki or bucky?

A: Probably Bucky. I'm not as confident or good at lying as Loki, (though I do tend to bottle up my emotions a lot.) I also share a birthday month with Barnes, being born only a day before him, so our uber-sensitive, shy personalities are similar.

@AshesAshes0hNo: If everyone were born with a mystical/cool weapon alongside them, what would yours/you like it to be?

A: One of those slim swords with a grip in the middle and a blade on both ends.

@AshesAshes0hNo: Do you own an ungodly amount of a specific type of clothing? E.g s w e a t p a n t s

A: Actually yes. I do own a lot of fuzzy pants and have a tendency to wear baggy clothes that I got from my big brother. My favourite from him is a marvel themed one with Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Daredevil, Spider-Man, and The Punisher (All their designs are from the original comic books)

@AshesAshes0hNo: Do you outline everything that happens in your story, like an architect, or do you write freely (with a really rough outline in ur head) and see where it takes you, like a gardener?

A: When I first started writing, I didn't have a full idea of what was gonna happen, I was flying blind and making it up as I went. But since then, I for the most part have the full outline of all the events, and just need to fill in the details.

@AshesAshes0hNo: What is the one thing that drives you to write? (if there's more do tell ;3)

A: I'm not a very confident person, and I don't take pride in many things, but writing has always been a way to release stress. So angsty gay romances? RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! (It's one of the only things keeping me sane tbh).

@AshesAshes0hNo: What are your favourite foods for each season? E.g EVEN THOUGH I DONT HAVE WINTER, mY WINTER FOOD WOULD BE C E R E A L. Yes. Idk why okay-

A: In winter I love to help make giant stews and soups since we can use the oven then. I've always had a knack for cooking, so the cold seasons up here in Canada are my calling. Warm weather foods? Ice cream.

@AshesAshes0hNo: Do you play any instruments? And if not, which would you pick to learn?

A: I am going to learn guitar since I have one. But I would commit MURDER to learn piano.

@AshesAshes0hNo: What would you tell your readers if they were having a particularly poo day?

A: Hmm. "If you're ever feeling weak or like you have no point to existing, just remember that a single pubic hair of yours can shut down an entire restaurant." (I'm sorry)

@AshesAshes0hNo: How many counties have you been to?

A: I never really got to travel. I've been in Canada my entire life, but I'm planning on travelling after I graduate.

@AshesAshes0hNo: What's your least favourite marvel movie and why?

A: Mmm. Probably Iron Man 2. Don't get mad, Tony was my childhood and I love him, and that movie introduced Black Widow (successfully turning my Bisexual) and baby Peter Parker was in it. But it just didn't have that same riveting at the edge of your seat kind of vibe. Yes, it was hilariously chaotic, but by the time it got to the action, the movie was almost over. I would say Thor: The Dark World, because of some similar problems, but it had Loki, so...

Thank-you again @AshesAshes0hNo, for this wonderful Q&A.

Thanks again!


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