T A G G E D !

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Thank-you to @AshesAshesOhNo for providing me with a tag to celebrate 5

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Thank-you to @AshesAshesOhNo for providing me with a tag to celebrate 5.6k reads!

I'm honestly VERY surprised I got so many people to read this. Thanks, y'all!

To the questions:


Hmmm. Favourite quotes? I know! 

"And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside."

-Lin Manuel Miranda. (Seriously tho, I could read his quotes every day and never get bored. That man is beautiful.)


Introvert definitely. I have very few friends, and I keep them very close. I prefer quiet corners with a book and music, not loud gatherings. I'm the girl that immediately gravitates towards the animals and young kids when at things like family gatherings. lol. 


Right-handed. I'm also told I hold pencils weirdly, (I hold them between my ring and middle finger, instead of pointer and middle. Idk.)


I'd say yes to that one. I've always been passionate about cooking, a quick learner, and good with spices. I take pride in what I make. cooking is an art for me, I tend to make it both LOOK good and taste good too.


Ironically enough, I celebrated my birthday on March 9th and mostly received money. I spent the first 25 bucks on an amazon card to get this:

 I spent the first 25 bucks on an amazon card to get this:

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Duty and Inclination by Rebecca Dupont. An 800 page, angst-filled historical gay romance novel about two specific people from the American Revolutionary war...

You guessed it (probably)

Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens!

Beautifully written, funny, heartbreaking, and containing some of the original letters, I finished this beast in 3 days. I would've finished it on the second day, but there were 50 pages left and it was 3 am. lol. I have a book hangover from it and am still recovering from the shock.

If y'all wanna check it out, it's available on Amazon! Be warned tho, it's a heavy mother trucker.

LMAO, now I realize this is kinda off-topic to the question. If I hadn't gotten money, I would've wanted the book (obviously.) And if it was possible, a plane ticket to travel to America and see my dearest friend that I met over a year ago under... interesting internet circumstances. We've been bros ever since.


ANYWHERE in the world? I'd say... uh, France? Or somewhere with an ocean.


Favourite breakfast? French toast. I haven't had that stuff in AGES, but I never forget what I love.


My favourite gadget? The kind that does homework for me lol. Being serious, I'd think something to make me fly.


The most important thing in my life? There are so many options...

French toast...


Lin Manuel Miranda...

Kirk Hammet...


Hamilton in general...

Marvel Movies...


French Toast...


Black Widow...

French toast...


The Gay Trio...




My dearest friend Abby from America...

French Toast...

Queer History...

LGBTQ+ rights...

French Toast...

I can't DECIDE!


My favourite Musician (I take it band also counts)... How dare you ask me that.


Damien rice.

Pink Floyd.

3 Doors Down.

David Gilmour.


Tony Bennett.

Frank Sinatra.

Dean Martin. 

Michael Buble.

Taylor Swift (her older albums peeps, HER OLDER STUFF)


Stone Temple Pilots.

Chris Cornell.

Eddie Vedder.

Pearl Jam.

Conan Gray.

Imagine Dragons.


Lin Manuel Miranda.


Foo Fighters.

Billie Eilish.

(This literally just turned into me picking all of the people I listen to most frequently on Spotify lol.)


Wow. The hardest thing in my life was... standing up to my Father. I could go on for a LONG time about what happened between the two of us, but to summarize: we're not on visiting terms, and haven't been in two years.


Beach. I'm an adamant swimmer and could live on a beach if I wanted to.


Favourite fairy tale? Beauty and the Beast. Belle is just so relatable, and I like the symbolism of that one.


Mint chip ice cream for the win!


I watched Fraggles on DVD a lot when I was a kid. The Muppet Show was also on disc at my house.



*sighs in Spanish*

Lolo I guess that's it! Thank-you again Ashes!


P.S: The next chapter'll be up soon, and I'm sure you'll like what's coming...

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