9. Waffles

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I end up eating waffles.

Golden, perfectly crispy and drizzled in syrup, I probably ate more at that moment than I'd eaten in years.

I'd probably already reached my twelfth waffle, (courtesy of Loki teaching me how to use the toaster,) when he comments on my appetite.

"'I don't ever get hungry.' Eh?" Loki quotations with an eyebrow raise.

I stop chewing. Swallowing my food, I defend my large appetite, "First off, the waffles are delicious, so thank-you. Secondly, when you've been starved for seventy years straight, one learns to ignore hunger." 

"Touche Barnes."

"Also, at least I don't inhale my food. Last time I checked, "savour the flavour"  isn't a phrase in your Brother's dictionary." 

Loki grins, "Thank the Norns for that, if you were anywhere near as messy as Thor, I'd ask to have you relocated. But you seem acceptable enough."

"Oh? so you're a perfectionist," I point out teasingly.  

'Daring move, Sergeant,' Winter comments.

"Well, when it's a mess up here," Loki taps his temple, "one strives for perfection here," he gestures to his surroundings.  

"Good point." Loki was correct about that, I had major organizational OCD in my bedroom, it didn't even look lived in.

"Well, I am the God of Mischief. I'm never wrong." Loki says with a smirk, raising his head proudly.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," I state with a smirk.

Loki places a hand over his heart in mock hurtfulness, "You're a jerk," he mutters in a faked sad tone.

"If I'm a jerk, then you're a punk," I say with a laugh, a familiar memory of saying the same thing to Steve.

I hear a loud gasp from the elevator, "I thought that I was punk," Steve whispers in an injured voice, dramatically leaning against the wall, "Are you replacing me, Buck?"

I bark a laugh as Steve sits down next to me, "Never."

Steve reaches a hand towards my stack of waffles and I swat it away, "Get your own," I point a butter knife at him threateningly.

Steve lets out a dramatic sigh and stands back up,  walking over to the toaster and putting himself in waffles.

"If you're Jerk and Rogers is Punk, then what would I be?' Loki mutters to himself as he pours another cup of coffee.

I shrug, "Reindeer Games?" I suggest with a smirk.

'Aand we're dead,' Winter mutters to himself.

'Stop being so negative all the time,' I retort.

'Well somebody needs to make sure that we stay alive.'

Loki turns around with a threatening eyebrow raise, "Was that a challenge, Winter boy?" he asks, setting his coffee cup down. From the corner of my eye, I see Steve move in front of the toaster, protecting his waffles.

"Depends Laufeyson, you ready to lose?"

Loki stands on top of his chair, now much taller than me, "Don't get too cocky Winter, it might just be your undoing."

I stand on top of my stool, our height difference once again correct, "I guess I would be more-"

The toaster goes off with a loud POP! and I lose my balance in surprise, arms pinwheeling as I begin to fall backwards. Loki reaches out to catch me, grabbing the collar of my shirt. Unfortunately, with my heavier weight and gravity's cruelty, we both fall.

I land on my back with a loud thud, Loki landing on top of me with my shirt hem still in his fist.

I stare at him, our faces inches apart, his long black hair tickling my face. My heart begins to speed up from physical contact.

"WOW. I would LOVE to see the story behind this. Am I interrupting anything, gentlemen?" At that moment, Tony conveniently chooses to step out of the elevator, looking like he hadn't slept in a week (probably true.) He smirks, arms crossed over a grease-stained muscle shirt.

My eyes jump back to Loki's my face flaming up as he quickly jumps off of me, mumbling a quick apology. I notice his cheeks redden slightly as he smooths out his shirt, trying to regain his composure.

I stand back up, my back aching from the fall.

"Whatever your sick twisted mind made up, because of what you saw, is incorrect," Loki shoots Tony a glare, "JARVIS, would you please enlighten Stark on what just happened."

"Yes Mr. Laufeyson," the British AI responds, and the living room TV lights up, showing camera footage of what just happened.

When the toaster pops, causing all three of us to jump (Steve banging his head on a cupboard) and me to fall, Stark begins to laugh.

I glance over at Steve and see him looking reproachfully at his waffles, the cause of my fall.

"I apologize on behalf of my toaster for startling your poor old man's heart's quake. I'm sure it feels VERY guilty about what happened," Stark says with a smirk, "I guess the elderly really shouldn't be allowed around tech," he muses.

Loki shoots him a deadly glare, "Last time I checked, Hobbit, you're the one with the heart problems," he gestures to the glowing circle on Tony's chest.

"Actually, Frosty, I don't need it anymore. I merely choose to wear the reactor," Tony states, crossing his arms. He looks over at the screen, "JARVIS, please prepare to post that footage onto Youtube."

"Are you sure you want to do that Mr.Stark?" JARVIS asks, "I don't want Mr.Laufeyson to kill you, and from the expression on his face, your demise will be imminent if I put this online."

Loki's glower is strong enough to crack a mountain, and I thank whatever gods that exist that I'm not then one under his angry emerald gaze. "Norns I want to throw you out another window," he growls to himself.

Tony bursts out laughing, "I'm just kidding!" he wheezes out, "I don't have any reason to be mad at Capsicle right now, and Bucky hasn't personally ruined my life. Yet," he adds as an afterthought.

I look down guiltily at Tony's last statement, knowing a very vital piece of information that could change his feelings towards me.

'But he doesn't need to know.'

(A/N: Welp, another chapter done.

Random question: If you were driving a car with your friends in the middle of the night, what's the guilty pleasure song that you would be blasting as loud as possible? (Mine would be "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift)


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