18. A Different Kind of Friendship

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(I'm sorry, I'm Bubbly trash.)


Though I'd been imagining this moment for longer than I'd like to admit, I still freeze in shock as James' lips press against mine, hesitant and gentle. Then the surprise melts away as I kiss him back with a content sigh of happiness.

At this point, the butterflies in my stomach feel more like a group of drunk Scotsmen trying to do synchronized water ballet. (I've seen it, not a pretty sight.)

But all too soon, James pulls his head away, one hand still cradling the side of my face gently, his metal hand still clasped tightly in mine.

He ducks his head slightly, blushing, "I've been wanting to do that for a while," he admits with a smile.

(Finally) I find my voice. Smirking slightly I lean in a little closer, "I can tell."

James cringes, "That bad?"

I hold back a laugh, "I'm not so sure, Sergeant Barnes. I'd like to call myself a scientist in the arts of kissing, and like all good scientists," I lean closer, the hand not clutched in his crawling up his chest, "I'll have to do a few more tests before I can expertly deduct your kissing skills."

"Well then, might I kiss you again?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

Our lips connect again in another soft kiss, the rest of the world falling away around me. It's gentle, simple, a display of affection and sweetness that I'd forgotten I'd missed. I don't remember the last time I'd even kissed somebody, much less out of something more than just a sexual attraction.

We pull our lips away from one another for the sake of breathing only. I feel bubbly inside, almost as if I were a young teenager experiencing the rush of first love again - minus the raging hormones (well, mostly.) - The expression on James' face isn't much different than my own, hopeful and excited and even nervous about what comes next.

James smiles, thumb brushing my cheek gently as he speaks, "I know you said that you didn't have any friends, but would you want a... boyfriend?" his expression is nervous, but still open and hopeful. 

I lean into his hand, "Yes, James, I would love for you to be my boyfriend," even saying the word 'boyfriend' and associating it with James is enough to make me grin in giddiness. Norns, what the Hel was happening to me?

"Still not gonna call me Bucky?"

I shake my head, "You said your friends call you that, not your boyfriend."

"Damn you and your clever mouth," he grumbles halfheartedly.

"Hey, my mouth is one of my best qualities," I reply with a wink.

"True," he leans in to kiss me again.

"But," I pull my head away, "I need to warn you, I'm a handful."

"It's a good thing I've got two perfectly capable hands."

"I'm moody."

James smirks, "So I've noticed."

"I'll be clingy and easily jealous." Those were my faults, I'd accepted them.

"Good, cause I'll want you by my side whenever I can have you."

"I don't handle emotions well, if at all," I warn him.

"I can handle the emotional part of things," he replies.

I tilt my head, "Are you sure? You're not exactly in the best state emotionally, I can wait." 

I don't want to wait for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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