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Brent drove me to school that morning, despite me being in no mood to go. The ride was pretty quiet. I felt sick with how stressed I was, but I knew I had to push through it. Brent kept glancing over at me while he drove, but said nothing.

We eventually got to school just in time for class. Brent walked me to my first period and kissed the top of my head before heading to his own class. I walked in the room and took my seat next to Eric.
"Barry told us what happened. Are you okay?" He asked.
"I think so. I don't know, we didn't have time to talk about it" I mumbled, hoping no one around was listening to us.
"Well I heard Barry dropped you off at Brent's place, but if his parents get mad you can always stay with me" he said.
"Thanks, but Beau is too important to me, and you already said your parents won't let him stay" I said.
"He could always stay with Brent. That way you'd see him everyday" he suggested. It wasn't a bad idea, but also not my favorite idea. I couldn't imagine not having Beau with me at night.

I did my best to focus during class. Any time I spaced out or got overwhelmed, Eric would help me focus again. He let me copy off his notes when I needed to catch up. Once the bell rang I packed up my notes and thanked Eric for keeping me focused.
"By the way, you guys didn't tell anyone... did you?" I asked. He shook his head no.
"We wouldn't do that to do. I hope I didn't react poorly when you told us, I wish you and Brent the best of luck, and you can always count on me to help you two" he said.
"Thanks Eric" I said with a slight smile. He smiled back and said goodbye before we parted ways in the hall.

I made my way to my next class and saw Courtney. She gave me sweet eyes as I sat down, making me uncomfortable.
"How are you feeling?" She asked kindly.
"I'm alright... how are you?"
"Good, good. Bet you're excited, huh?" She asked. Now I was getting scared. Did she find out? Brent walked into class before I could answer her.

Courtney turned her attention to Brent as we walked over to us.
"Brently, can I talk to you a moment?" She asked.
"I told you, no more secret conversations. There's nothing between us Jamie can't know" he said with a sigh. She pouted and looked around.
"It's the rest of the class I'm worried about. If I wanted to talk to you without Jamie knowing, I'd do it at work" she giggled. Brent rolled his eyes and agreed to talk to her in the halls.

The two were only gone for a few minutes before they came back. Courtney looked upset and Brent was pissed. They both sat down without saying anything. I turned around in my chair to face Brent, giving him big sad eyes in hopes that he'd talk to me. Instead he just put his head down on his desk and growled to himself. I glanced over at Courtney, who looked ready to cry. Whatever happened, it wasn't as she planned.

After class I walked down the hall with Brent. He held my hand tightly, still quiet.
"B, please tell me what happened. You told her no secrets, so why won't you tell me?" I asked. He growled before pulling me into an empty classroom. He locked the door before putting his hands on my hips and his head on my shoulder.
"She's a fucking liar J" he mumbled into my neck.
"What did she say?" I asked. He lifted his head to look me in the eyes.
"Someone fucking told her you were pregnant, and if that wasn't bad enough, now she's faking being pregnant for the attention"
"Who told her?"
"I don't know! If I find out I'm kicking their ass!" He was now almost shouting. I rubbed his arm gently before kissing his lips, trying to calm him down. 
"How do you know she's faking the pregnancy?" I asked calmly.
"Cause she's known for lying for the attention. Besides, she claims it's mine. If that was true she'd have a baby bump. It's been a couple months since I last slept with her" he said, now I'm a calmer tone. I nodded in acknowledgment.
"Well, it shouldn't be too hard to prove she's lying"
"There's still someone leaking our secret"
"We only told the others, but Eric told me they told no one"
"Barry told me the same thing this morning"
"Maybe someone overheard something?"
Brent sighed and held my hips as he pulled me close to him, nuzzling his face into my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I did this to you" he whispered. I put my arms around his neck and held him close. It wasn't right that he blamed himself, none of this was his fault. We sat in each other's arms, and I started to wonder if things could get any worse. I closed my eyes and tried focusing on the moment, feeling safe in Brent's arms.

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