Second Opinion

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I was terrified of today. Brent and I had the day off of work and no school, so he wanted to take me to a doctor to get me checked. He made an appointment for me and everything. I know it's my own fault for telling him I had a weird feeling, but I really didn't want to go.

I got ready, making sure Beau was fed and let outside for a bit so Barry wouldn't have to worry about it. Once we came back inside I sat by the window, waiting for Brent.
"Have plans?" Barry asked as he walked over; still half asleep.
"Oh, uh, Brent is taking me out" I said nervously. He gave me a weird look before shaking his head and walking to the kitchen. I'm sure he was too tired to question my tone.

Brent soon arrived so I went outside to his truck.
"You okay?" He asked as I got in his truck.
"Let's just get this over with" I mumbled. Brent just silently nodded. I'm sure he didn't have much more to say to comfort me, he probably wants this over with too.

The car ride was pretty quiet until we got to the medical center. My hands were shaking as I got out of the truck.
"Hey, it's going to be okay" Brent said softly. He took my hand and held it tight, helping me calm down. We walked in and made our way to reception to check in.

Once we were checked in, Brent and I took a seat in the waiting room.
"Last time we were in a waiting room, we were waiting to see if my hand was broken" he said as he put an arm around me.
"That was somehow less scary" I said softly.
"Yeah, that would heal itself quickly. This could be in the long run"
"Don't remind me"
"Don't worry"
"Why shouldn't I? If I'm pregnant, my life is over"
"I'd like to think our life will just begins"
"You have it easy you know"
"I'll be with you every step"
I sighed and placed my head on Brent's shoulder.

A nurse called my name and allowed Brent to come with me into the room. The nurse asked some questions while checking me over, taking notes as she went along. She then left the get the doctor.
"Not bad so far huh?" Brent asked.
"They haven't tested me yet B" I rolled my eyes at him. My legs started shaking while I waited for the doctor to arrive.  Brent kept saying everything was going to be okay, but I was starting to block out his words.

It felt like a long wait, but the doctor soon came into the room. Luckily she was a female doctor so I felt slightly more comfortable. She asked a couple more questions before telling me I needed a blood test. A nurse came back in to help her draw my blood. Luckily Brent was there to hold my hand, as I hated needles. I kept my eyes on his while the nurse found a vein and stuck the needle in my arm.

Once the blood was drawn, the nurse left with the vial.
"One last thing" the doctor said while looking some something. "We need a urine sample to test" she pulled the cup out and was kind enough to walk me to the bathrooms. I did my best to fill the cup while in there, though I was nervous. I came out of the bathroom once I finished up in there and handing her the sample. She thanked me and lead my back to the room so I can see Brent.

The doctor informed us that we would be getting a call within the next few days with our results. Last thing I wanted was more waiting, but I understood. We thanked the doctor after Brent left his cell phone number. It was the best way to contact us. I held Brent's hand as we left the building.
"Feel better?" He asked.
"Not until we get that phone call" I admitted. He smiled slightly and kissed my forehead.
"If it is positive, do you want to tell the others?" He asked.
"I don't know yet. I guess we'll cross the bridge when we get there" I mumbled.

We got into Brent's car and decided to head back to his house. Brent turned on the radio while he drove, hoping it would relax us. I leaned my head against  the window and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I really hope my feeling was wrong, as I'm not ready for this. At least I have Brent's support.

We got to Brent's house and went inside.
"Want to see the others?" He asked, his phone out ready to call them. I shook my head no.
"I told Barry we were having a date, so I'm sure he'd think it's weird if we call him up now" I said. Brent agreed and put this phone away.
"Want lunch?" He asked. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. He sat me down at the kitchen island while he got to work making us sandwiches. He seemed a bit out of it while he did.
"Babe, it's okay if your scared" I told him. "You don't have to pretend everything is okay"
"I'm fine" he said quietly. I watched as he made two peanut butter jelly sandwiches. Once he was done he handed me one and took a seat next to me. We ate our sandwiches silently. I know we're both worried about the results, even if he won't admit it.

After lunch Brent and I sat on the couch together and cuddled up to watch a movie. I let Brent pick the movie as I had too much on my mind. I didn't even pay attention to what he pick, I just cuddled into his chest and closed my eyes and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Feeling tired?" He asked in almost a whisper.
"Just trying time relax" I whispered back. He chuckled lightly and kissed the top of my head. I didn't want to think about the results, work, school, or our future. For now, I just wanted to enjoy my moment with Brent.

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