Weekend fun

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Brent and I arrived at his house around the same time the others did.
"Welcome to my place. Make yourself at home, I know the others will. Just don't mess with my parents things, they won't be happy" Brent explained as we got out of his truck.
"Sounds good" I laughed. We walked over to the others and approached the house. Brent unlocked the front door and let us all inside.

I followed everyone into the living room and watched them all take a seat. Barry and Zach took the sofa, with Eric sitting on the arm, and Brent sat on the armchair.
"Take a seat dude" Zach said. I shrugged and sat on the floor in front of Barry's legs. As I leaned back against him, I saw Brent staring from the corner of my eye. He turned away when I looked over at him.
"So... what do you guys usually do on the weekends?" I asked.
"Usually just hang out. Sometimes we find something fun to do, but sometimes we just chill together" Eric explained.
"That's cool" I nodded and leaned my head back. Brent gave me another quick look but I ignored him. I'm sure if he had something to say he'd say it.

"Why don't we play a game?" Zach suggested after a long silence. He must have been getting bored.
"What'd you have in mind?" Brent asked.
"Never have I ever? Would give us a chance to know Jamie a little better" Zach said.
"I'm not stealing my dad's alcohol" Brent said in an annoyed tone.
"Who says we need it? We just all need a water bottle to symbolize the drink" Zach suggested.
"Fine" Brent said. Eric went to his fridge and grabbed water bottles for each of us. I moved away from Barry so I could see everyone better.

"Alright, I'll ask the first question" Zach started. "Never have I ever kissed someone" we all took a drink.
"Alright me next. Next have I ever skipped class" Eric said. Brent and Zach both took sips of the water.
"We both decided one day we didn't feel like doing math" Zach explained.
"Alright then, never have I ever gotten in trouble at school" Barry asked. We all took a drink expect for him. Eric and I looked at each other, remembering my first day.
"Alright Jamie, your turn" Eric gestured towards me.
"Never have I ever...." i paused to think of a good one. "Had sex before" Brent and Eric both took a drink.
"My turn?" Brent asked. We all nodded. "Okay, never have I ever wanted to kiss someone in this room" I blushed as I took a drink, with Barry and Brent both following.
"What just happened?" Zach asked as he watched the three of us. I looked over at Barry who was blushing. Wasn't expecting him to drink.

We decided to end the game there as not to embarrass anyone any farther. It was late in the afternoon at this point so we decided to go get food. Brent lead us in a walk down the street to his favorite sub place. Zach walked by his side while I walked by Eric's side. Barry was behind Zach and Brent and ahead of me and Eric, talking to Zach and Brent as we walked.
"So what do you think that last question was about?" Eric asked me.
"Dunno. Maybe Brent and Barry have a thing for each other" I said with a smirk.
"You drank too. And I saw Brent look at you"
"You don't know why I drank though. Maybe it was Zach, or you, or even Barry. Besides, Brent looking at me doesn't mean anything, he looks at a lot of people" I dismissed what Eric suggested, not really wanting to think about it. I liked Brent, but I didn't want to rush things.

We got to the sub place and found a table to sit as while Brent and Zach ordered the subs. I sat next to Eric with Barry across from us, leaving open seats for when the other two came back.
"So how are you liking this place?" Barry asked me.
"You mean this shop or the town?" I asked back, making him chuckle.
"This town. You know, the places, people, surroundings" he explained.
"I was homesick the first day, but meeting you guys really helped. I think I love it here" I said with a smile.
"That's good to hear. We love having you around" Eric said.

Zach and Brent came back with the subs in their hands. They placed them on the table and passed them out to everyone. I watched the others pull out their wallets and give Brent some money. I remembered I didn't have my wallet on me.
"Sorry Brent, can I pay you back later?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it" he said as he sat next to me. Zach took a seat across from us next to Barry. I listened to them all y'all music and school while we ate.

Once we finished eating we left to head back to Brent's house. The walk was nice again. This time I walked with Barry on my left side and Eric on my right. Zach and Brent were walking ahead again.
"Hey, what do you guys want to do when we get back?" Zach turned around the ask us.
"Probably just chill" Barry suggested. Eric nodded in agreement.

Brent let us all into his house before walking in himself.
"Well, feel free to do whatever. Like I said, your welcome to anything" Brent said as he placed his key down. I watched as Zach went into the backyard.
"So you just let them do whatever?" I asked.
"I trust them. As long as they don't break anything or touch my parents stuff, it's cool. I'm just glad to have them here" Brent said. I walked towards the backyard to see Barry and Eric had joined Zach out back. The three of them were kicking a soccer ball around. Brent smiled and walked over to the kitchen. I watched as he grabbed a hairband and tied his hair back before stepping outside to join them. I followed and watched the four of them play.

Suddenly, the ball rolled over to my foot.
"You gonna play or just watch?" Zach asked. I grinned and kicked the ball towards him. It was fun running around with all of them. At one point, Eric and I both went after the ball. This resulted in us both falling. I landed on top of him and we both starting laughing.

We called it quits after that and all went inside. The phone started ringing as Brent walk in so he went off to answer it. I followed the others back into the living room. Barry and Zach took the sofa and Eric sat on the arm chair. I sat on the arm of the sofa next to Barry.
"Brent! Is it cool if we put music on?" Zach called out.
"Yeah" Brent caller back out. Eric got up and walked over to the stereo. He turned the radio on, making sure it wasn't too loud for Brent's phone call.

Brent walked back into the room with a smile.
"My parents won't be home until tomorrow, so you guys can stay as late as you want" he said as he sat on the arm of the armchair.
"Sounds good, but I can't stay too late. Promised my parents I'd be home for dinner" Zach said.
"Yeah as we usually have a movie night. Can't miss that" added Barry. I put my head down and sighed. The last thing I wanted was to go home, but I knew I couldn't stay here forever.
"You okay Jamie?" Eric asked. I lifted my head and saw them all staring.
"Oh yeah, just thinking" I said. They all went back to talking amongst themselves, but Brent kept his eyes on me.

As it got late the boys left one by one. Eric was the last one to head out.
"Do you need a ride home Jamie?" He asked as he got ready to leave.
"Oh, I guess I will" I said.
"If your not ready to leave you can stay longer. I can always drive you" Brent suggested.
"Sounds good to me if Jamie's okay with it. I should probably go straight home anyway before I'm late" Eric said.
"I don't mind staying longer" I said. Eric waved goodbye to us and headed out the door.
"Okay, now will you tell me what's going on?" I turned to face Brent as he asked.
"I don't know what you mean" I turned my head away.
"You changed when we mentioned our parents. Are you hiding something? Is there a reason you don't want to go home?" Brent stepped towards me and grabbed my hands.
"I uh, might have snuck out the be here today. My parents think you guys are bad influences and don't want me around you" I said sadly.
"Well, you can't avoid them forever" Brent said softly.
"I know, I'm just not ready to face them. I'm surprised they haven't tried calling all day"
"They must be worried. Should I take you home now?" He squeezed my hand as he asked.
"I don't know"
"How about you spend the night here. I can't keep you any longer though, I'm sure my parents don't want someone they haven't met yet staying here and I'm sure your parents want you home eventually" he said.
"Okay" is all I could say. Brent smiled weakly and let go of my hands to head upstairs. I waited in the living room for him.

Brent came back down with a pillow and blanket.
"Sorry you'll have to sleep on the couch. Wish I had another bed in my room" he said as he placed the pillow down.
"That's okay. Thank you" I said as I watched him lay out the blanket.
"It's been a long day, I'll let you rest now. If you need me, I'll be in my room. It's the second door on the right upstairs" he explained.
"Thanks. This means a lot" I said.
"Sleep well" he said with a small smile as he made his way up the stairs.

I laid back on the couch and tried getting some sleep. I started to miss Beau and wondered if I should've gone home for him. He must miss me like I miss him. I tossed and turned until I eventually fell asleep. What a day it's been  

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