Getting the Job

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I woke up the next morning and yawned. Brent was still sleeping, arms around me as he snuggled closer. Beau whimpered from across the room.
"One minute boy" I mumbled. I tried getting up but Brent was holding me too tightly. I turned towards him and kissed his nose, getting him to stir. He groaned as his eyes opened, but quickly smiled once he saw me.
"Morning" He mumbled before pulling me closer into his arms.
"B, I have to get up" I whined as he held me tight.
"Why?" He mumbled into my neck. I smiled and placed my hands on his bare chest, gently pushing him away.
"I have to feed Beau, and we both have to get ready for school" I said. He sighed and let go of me, letting me get up.

I gathered my clothes from around the room and dressed myself.
"Last night was a bad idea" I said as Brent got out of bed.
"What do you mean?" He asked. I saw him worry so quickly reassured him.
"I don't mean us being together, I mean the fact that now I have to sneak you out somehow" I explained. Brent gave a sigh of relief before realizing there was still a problem.
"What if you distract Barry and his parents long enough for me to get out?" He suggested. I figured that was the best idea so I nodded and left the room with Beau.

I brought Beau to the kitchen where Barry's parents were getting ready for work and Barry was eating his breakfast.
"Morning Jamie, how did you sleep?" Barry's mom asked.
"Just fine, thank you" I said with a smile. I filled Beau's food with his dry food and placed it down for him. Barry's phone started ringing, getting our attention. He picked up and listened a moment before handing me the phone.
"It's for you" He said with a confused tone. I took the phone and talked to the lady on the line. She was from the pet store and wanted to interview me after school. I agreed to meet her and hung up after thanking her.
"I got the interview" I told Barry as I handed him back his phone.
"Congrats, now why did she call me?" He asked, still confused.
"Cause my phone is still with my parents" I explained. I knew I wouldn't get it back, so I'd have to save up money for a new one.

I sat with Barry as he finished his breakfast and chatted with him, hoping to keep him busy long enough for Brent to get out. Barry's dad let Beau out into the backyard to run around, so I wasn't worried about him giving Brent away.
"We better get ready to go before we're late" Barry said after looking at the clock. I nodded nervously as he got up. He headed to his room so I headed to mine to grab my bag. I felt relief as I passed the window and saw Brent's truck was gone. I don't know what I was thinking letting him stay for the night, I guess I was enjoying the moment with him.

I grabbed my bag for school and waited for Barry out front. I made sure to let Beau back inside the house while I waited so he wouldn't be outside all day.
"Ready?" I asked as Barry walked to the front door.
"Yes, let's go" He said. I followed him outside to his car and we drove off to school. The ride was pretty quiet, but peaceful.

By the time we got to school, everyone was already hanging out by our usual spot. I had to pretend I didn't already see Brent this morning, so I hugged him and told him I missed him. He just smiled and put an arm around me.
"So has anyone heard back from anyone?" Zach asked, referring to our job hunting yesterday.
"I have an interview after school" Eric said.
"Me too" I chimed in.
"Hopefully the rest of us here something soon" Barry said. Zach and Brent nodded in agreement. It would be nice if we all started around the same time, even if our schedules didn't match.

We all went to class when the bell rang. The school day was pretty boring. Sure, Courtney was back to trying to talk to me and Brent, but we ignored her. Other than that, it was a slow day. When the school day finally ended, Zach and I walked to the front of the school to meet the others.

"So, has everyone got the call now?" Eric asked, referring to the job interviews. Everyone nodded.
"We should probably get going so no one is late" Barry said.
"Plus we can hang out before and after they're done" Zach added. We all agreed and headed to our vehicles so we could head out.

Brent and I enjoyed our ride together, though I was nervous.
"You okay?" Brent asked. I nodded and gave him a smile.
"Just a little nervous" I admitted.
"You'll do fine" he said before taking my hand. I sighed as I squeezed his hand, trying to relax. I just hope we all get these jobs, we need them.

We got to the mall with some time before my interview. Brent's was scheduled later in the afternoon.
"Should we meet up with the others?" I asked him.
"Nah, we'll see them after" he said. He put an arm arms my waist and pulled me close as we walked, making me feel better.

Brent and I walked around the mall quietly until it was time for my interview. I kissed him before going into the store. The same lady from yesterday greeted me and brought me to her office. I tried to hide how nervous I was as she talked. When she asked if I had experience with pets, I talked all about Beau. I must have said something right, because she hired me on the spot and said I start this weekend. I thanked and her shook her hand before leaving.

"How'd you do?" Brent asked as I joined up with him again.
"She wants me working this Saturday" I said, still feeling slightly nervous. He smiled and kissed my temple as we began walking again.
"I hope I'm that lucky" he said with a chuckle. I leaned my head on his shoulder, relived that I got that over with.

We hung out at the food court with Zach and Eric as we waited for Barry to finish his interview. Brent was to be interviewed after him, but he didn't seem nervous.
"That was stressful" Zach said, referring to his own interview.
"Wasn't too bad" Eric said proudly. We talked a bit about life until Barry came back over.
"Your turn B" he said as he patted Brent's back.
"Alright. I'll be back" he said as he stood up. He kissed the top of my head, making me blush as the others watched, before heading into the cafe to get it over with.

"So how did it go?" Eric asked Barry.
"It went well, they said they'll call me tonight or tomorrow" he said.
"Hope you get it man" Zach said.
"I hope we all get these jobs. It will be so good for us" I said.
"The money will be good, but losing that free time sucks" Eric sighed.
"It'll be worth it" Barry said. I was surprised he agreed with me.

Brent came back looking nervous.
"Go well Brent?" Eric asked as he took his seat next to me.
"Yeah, I'm just not looking forward to working with someone there" he said.
"Who?" Barry asked, wondering who he missed when he was in there.
"Just as I was finishing up, Courtney walked in and clocked in for her shift. She works there man" he said. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, hoping he wouldn't freak out.
"That sucks" Zach mumbled, earning a dirty look from Brent.
"I'm sure you'll be fine dude. If you ever work with her, just ignore her. Report her if she harasses you" Eric said.
"I guess" Brent mumbled. I leaned over to him and kissed his cheek, getting him to glance over at me. He smiled and put an arm around me, pulling me closer and letting me cuddle into him. I knew he'd be okay, as long as we all stuck together.

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