Just Say It

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*Brent's POV*

I drove to school this morning with a lot on my mind. Yesterday still surprised me, I never acted like that before. First thing I needed to do today was apologize to Eric and Zach. Zach will probably forgive me quickly, but I don't expect Eric to. Hell, I doubt Barry even forgave me.

Then there was Jamie. I felt so bad scaring her. It's weird, I tried so hard not to fall in love with her because o didn't want things to get weird as a group. Clearly that was a bad idea as I just snapped. Maybe it's time I tell her how I feel. I just hope she feels the same way.

I pulled up to the school and parked in the student parking lot. While walking over to our usual spot, I saw everyone was already hanging out. Zach and Eric stood next to each other and Barry faced them. Jamie sat against the trunk of the tree, looking up at the boys as the talked.

I walked over to the group, worried about how they'd react when they saw me. The boys had their backs to me, but Jamie saw me approach. She smiled as I walked over.
"Morning B" she said. Eric turned to face me with disgust.
"Hey guys" I said.
"Your not going to cause another scene, are you?" Eric asked.
"I want to apologize man. I had no right causing a scene, scaring you guys, and Barry definitely didn't deserve me taking my anger out on him" I said.
"What happened to you man?" Zach asked with a worried voice.
"I think I figured out my problem, I just need to figure out how to fix it" I mumbled.
"Maybe we can help" Barry said. I looked over at Eric, who still looked mad.
"Yeah B, we care about you" Jamie chimed in. I shook my head at them.
"Thanks guys, but I have to figure this out myself" I mumbled.

The bell rang so we said goodbye to each other and headed to first period. Barry sat next to me at our desk as we waited on the teacher.
"Hey man, I just want you to know that whatever you're going through, I'm here to support you. I know that wasn't the real you yesterday, so just know I'll always have your back" Barry said to me.
"Thanks Barry, I really appreciate you saying that" I said as I gave him a smile. He smiled back at me just as our teacher began with the lessons. I did my best to keep up with the notes, but it wasn't easy with so much on my mind. Luckily Barry noticed and let me copy what I missed off him. I was starting to think I didn't deserve someone as great as him.

Once the bell rang I packed up my things and said goodbye to Barry. My mind wandered as I walked to history. I had to tell her now, otherwise it would distract me all day. It couldn't be too cheesy or romantic, but I also wanted her to remember. As I got lost in thought,

I bumped into someone I didn't want to see.
"Oh.., hi Brent" Courtney said nervously.
"Not now Court, I have a lot on my mind" I mumbled.
"Been a while before you spoke to me in a friendly way, finally break free from that bitch?" She asked. I got angry at her insult but I knew I had to control myself.
"No, and don't call her that. Have you seen her?" I asked. Courtney rolled her eyes and turned towards the classroom.
"I think she's already at her desk" she said. I thanked her and made my way over to Jamie, nervous to talk to her.

I walked over to Jamie's desk and placed my hands next to her books, getting her attention. She looked up at me with a smile.
"Oh hey B" she said warmly.
"Uh, hey Jamie, can you follow me for a moment?" I asked nervously.
"Oh, sure. Just don't forget class starts soon, I'm already in trouble with coach" she said with a giggle. My hand shook as she took it, making her smile disappear. "You okay?" She asked. I nodded and lead her out of the classroom.

Most kids were already in class so the halls weren't as full. I lead Jamie to a stairwell and pulled her under the stairs.
"Brent" she giggled. "What are you planning?"
I stood in front of Jamie and held both her hands.
"I think I figured out why I haven't been acting like myself lately. I've been holding back, and everything I'm hiding is bottling up. But I don't want to hide anymore" I said as I looked into her soft hazel eyes.
"What is it Brent?" She asked gently. I sighed and looked down at our feet.
"I keep saying that we're just friends who like to have fun, but I see now that I've been suppressing my true feelings. I was scared, and I'm still scared, but this needs to be said. You need to hear this, even if you don't agree" I looked back up at her and smiled.
"Just day it" she said. I chuckled and cupped her face in my hands, pulling her in for a deep kiss.

We pulled away for air and looked each other in the eyes.
"I love you" I said as I pressed my forehead to hers. It was the first time I said I to her, and I meant it. Her eyes grew large as she heard my words. I didn't expect much back, it just felt good getting it off my chest.
"I... I love you too" she said in an almost whisper. My smile grew large before I pulled her in for another kiss. This went much better than I thought.

We both enjoyed our moment together before realizing we were late to class. We rushed down the hall together and walked into the classroom.
"And where have you two been?" Our teacher asked.
"I took Brent to the nurse to get his hand looked at" Jamie said quickly. I lifted my bad hand to show the teach. Luckily it was still bruised and slightly swollen as I haven't been treating it like I'm supposed to.
"Alright then, take your seats" he said.

We took our seats quickly and tried focusing on class. Courtney started giggling, getting my attention.
"What?" I asked in a harsh whisper.
"Your lips are so swollen, you two were not at the nurse's office" she whispered back.
"That's none of your business" I snapped back quietly. She just rolled her eyes and went back to her notes. I was not letting her ruin a good moment.

After class I walked Jamie to the cafeteria. I had my arm around her shoulder as we walked. I was already feeling better now that we confessed our feelings to each other, I no longer felt I had to compete for her. It was a weight off my shoulders. I just hope she feels as good as I do.

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