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Brent and I arrived at Zach's house and met up with the others inside.
"So now what?" Barry asked. A sudden flash of lightning through the windows caught all of our attention.
"Well, looks like the storm is getting worse so we're definitely sticking with something inside" Zach said.
"Hopefully we don't lose power. That would suck" Eric said. I nodded in agreement as I leaned against Brent. He put an arm around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"You lovebirds have any ideas?" Zach asked as he turned to face us.
"It's your house man" Brent said. Zach rolled his eyes as he started walking away. We all followed him into the living room and watched him throw himself onto the couch.
"Then let's just chill" He said. We all looked at each other and shrugged before finding a place to sit.

Eric joined Zach on the couch while Barry took a seat on the arm chair. Brent and I cuddled up together on the other couch in the room. I cuddled closer to him as the thunder boomed through the house.
"Afraid?" He whispered to me. I shook my head no and smiled.
"It's actually relaxing" I said with a smile. I leaned my head onto his chest as I looked out the window, watching the lightning flash every once in a while. Between the rain, thunder, and being in Brent's arms, I felt myself getting tired as the boys talked.

I must have fallen asleep while they were all talking. When i opened my eyes again, it was pitch black.
"Brent?" I called out quietly.
"I'm here" He said as he wrapped his arms around me, calming me down. "We lost power so the others are looking for candles and flashlights. I wanted to stay with you in case you woke up"
"Thanks" I said as I sat up. "Sorry I fell asleep on you guys"
"It's okay, no one minded. You were only out for about ten minutes anyway" He said. I felt him pull me close to him and kiss my forehead.

The room lit up as the others returned. Barry and Eric held flashlights as Zach carefully carried two lit candles.
"Good to see you're up" Zach said as he placed the candles on the coffee table in the center of the room. Barry and Eric placed down their flashlights, allowing the room to get bright enough for us all to see each other.
"What can I say, storms like this relax me" I said with a smile.
"You should've seen Zach jump when the power went out" Barry laughed.
"Shut up man" Zach grumbled. They all took their seats again.

"So now what?" Eric asked as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Can't even watch tv or put music on" Barry whined.
"Let's just enjoy the storm" I mumbled as I snuggled closer to Brent.
"Since when are you so cuddly?" Brent asked with a laugh.
"Since this storm and lighting is so cozy" I said as I turned towards the candles.
"I guess if there's any moment perfect for just chilling, it's now" Zach said.
"Yeah" Barry grumbled. I watched him lean his head back and close his eyes.
"You gonna fall asleep too?" Eric asked him.
"Nah, just relaxing" Barry said with a grin.

We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon lounging around.
"We have to do something more fun tomorrow to make up for this" Zach said.
"Why, I had fun" I said as Brent and I got ready to leave.
"Sure, but you gotta admit it was a bit boring" Barry chimed in.
"Why don't we throw a party this weekend? Or make it easier on ourselves and see if anyone at school is throwing one?" Eric suggested.
"Odds are someone is" Zach pointed out. I looked up at Brent, unsure of their plan. He put an arm around me and smiled reassuringly.
"We're heading out guys. See you tomorrow" he said before we started out the door.
"See you two later" Zach called out right before we left.

The two of us got into the truck and took off towards my house.
"Brent, is a party such a good idea? Last time kids showed up to Barry's small party, things got a little crazy" I said.
"It all turned out okay. But if you you really don't want to go, we don't have to" he said as he reached for my hand.
"I don't want to stop you from going B" I said with a sad tone. "I'll go with you if you want"
"Okay, but as soon as things get out of hand we'll leave. Sound good?" He asked. I nodded my head in agreement and squeezed his hand.
"I just hope Courtney isn't there" I mumbled.
"Oh, she will be. Miss popular has to show up at every party. We'll just have to avoid her" he said.
"That'll be a fun challenge" I said, making us both laugh.

It was time to say our goodbyes for the night when Brent pulled up to my house.
"Ugh, looks like I don't have power either" I groaned.
"Would you like me to walk you in?" Brent offered as he put an arm around my shoulders.
"I'll be fine, but thanks. I should probably make sure Beau is okay" I said.
"Give him some hugs and kisses from me" Brent grinned, making me giggle.
"Will do" I said. "Goodnight B"
"Night Jamie. See you tomorrow". Brent leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before letting me go.

I was surprised when I entered my house to see Beau wasn't there to greet me.
"Beau, where are you?" I called out. I searched the living room, kitchen, and dining room, but no sign of him. Maybe he was hiding in my room.

As I walked towards my bedroom, I heard Beau crying.
"Buddy, where are you?" I called out softly. He cried louder as a crash of thunder boomer through the house. I got down on my knees and checked under my bed. There I found my 70 pound baby shaking. "You're okay bud" I gently coaxed him out from under the bed. He crawled into my lap and cried. I knew he hated storms, but usually I was home to calm him. I've never seen him this scared before.

I coaxed Beau to follow me downstairs to the living room. It was still dark without the power, so I had to be careful not to trip over him.
"Come on Beau" I patted my lap after sitting on the couch. It was too dark to see him, but I felt him crawl into my lap and put his head down. His crying stopped, but he was still shaking. I did my best to soothe him as I listened to the rain outside. Once Beau calmed down, it was relaxing. I enjoyed ending my night with him, listening to the rain until it put me to sleep.

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