"And there is a job that pays higher compared to the other job like that, I'm in the legal age so I got accepted easily. "

And I guess it is our house?

" And when I'm cleaning in the backyard, the voice I didn't heard for years savor me again. "

" When I turned around it was him and her wife. "

" I look down but he saw me so I just run away. "

" It was your grandfather Eliana. "

my what? I tried to recall some memories I had with him. I met him once but its like the usual business meeting. the coldness of him and grandma is super evident.

" It was hard facing him everyday but I just accepted the fate"

" He will never be mine anyway. "

"He failed to prove his loyalty to me and break my trust but he's still the one my heart calls. "

" And I hate that part "

" So I'm telling you this Eliana, once you love please know if that person worth the pain. "

" You can't choose on who you love it just comes so just figure out if that one worth it. "

" Because based on my experience it was worth it for I learned because of it. "

" And what is the thing you don't want to know but need it badly? "

" Oh did I forgot that part? "

" Your grandfather, Patricio didn't love me at all but .. "

" He didn't love me at all, I only became a part of his game. "

" I was to become a mother because I carried our child. But it didn't pave the way, I didn't even see his face. "

I kinda regret that my curiosity is so bad that it even drive me to the part I can't recall anything anymore. I hate the part that it is only an unrequited love story.

If ever I'm loving someone again I can't be sure if can broke our path if he isn't worth it. But the thing I don't want to know but need it badly? It seems like it have some double meaning for me.

The story I just heard today makes me relate anyhow. Especially in trusting someone. Everyone keeps secret you're scared to know and that's just the sad part of it.

" Don't trust anyone, even me. "

Her last words were that, before she clean her clothes as she stands up and head outside. dont trust her? i always do but the actions she paved the last days lessen my honest attachment to her and everyone.

  I just eat the food Auntie prepared for me and just how I like it, I even want more.

I suddenly remembered how my dream went earlier and it's really strange for me, why do I even dream about him? He's always the one I dream of. And I don't even know why.

His house, and him himself is never foreign to me.

Just, why?

When I see him I felt such relief and I feel at home.

I don't have much things to do so I decided to check my phone, especially my social media. So many messages pop up on my screen.

I am an Evins and being one comes the expectations that you will become a star, like the center of attention. dissapointment is never in my vocabulary thats why I always tend to avoid things like making them have such dissapointed to me. I am not a snob but if messages is like a bullet and a poison to my phone it will literally died the first time I open it. there is so many message, like what i said i am not a snob and as far as i can go i will answer messages. 

Odd Deceits ( Ongoing Story )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora