Struck Unconscious - Part 2

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Hey, my wonderful readers! So, I did update and now we have an eighth chapter.

Just warning you that there are parts that will give you what I call "happy tears" so have your tissues on hand.

Anyways, enjoy!
Iskall slowly regains consciousness and is greeted by a clean, white hospital room. The first person he notices, though, is a Stress Monsterin asleep next to his bed, his hand held loosely in hers. He chuckles at how pretty she looks when she's asleep and moves his good arm to run his fingers along the side of her face.

Stress groans softly and sits up, yawning and blinking her eyes blearily. When her eyes adjust to the light after the sleep clears, the first thing she sees is the organic and robotic eyes of Iskall. Tears begin to fall and she suddenly can't muster up the courage to speak.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Iskall asks, reaching up with his good arm to wipe her tears away. But, when he begins to move his hand away from her face, she reaches up with her own hand to keep his palm pressed against her cheek. "I'm okay now."

Stress giggles, tears beginning to fall again. "I know when you're lying, dummy," she scolds gently. "You still have a very long way before you're cleared to say that you're okay."

Iskall scoffs. "You don't trust me?" he asks mockingly.

Stress shakes her head. "It's not that at all," she says. "You're not okay until the doctors clear you to go home. And, even then, you still have a long way with therapy before you can say you're completely okay."

Iskall raises his good arm in defeat. "Alright, alright, you win," he relents, chuckling. "So, what did the doctor say?"

Stress shrugs. "I don't know," she replies honestly, rubbing her face. "I fell asleep not too long after I came into your room."

Iskall smirks. "You can't seem to get enough of me, can you?" he teases.

Stress shakes her head ruefully. "Oh, shush," she replies, clasping her hands together.

Iskall's smile disappears and he looks away, biting his lip nervously. "You know, what I told you after I got hit — while we were waiting for the ambulance — I really meant it," he says, looking up at her once again.

Stress stares at him. "You do?" she asks, genuinely stunned into silence.

Iskall takes her hand in his. "Yeah. I meant it then and I mean it now," he replies, letting go of her hand to pat the bed next to him.

Stress sits down, facing him, and reaches out to take his hand again, but he pulls it away. "What?"

Iskall says nothing and reaches up to caress her cheek, wiping away the tears that are beginning to fall.

Stress giggles gleefully and launches forward, pressing her lips to his. She pulls back just as suddenly, shocked. "I'm sorry," she apologizes shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind one of her ears. "I just got carried away and my emotions got away from me and—"

Iskall sighs, annoyed now. "Shut up," he interrupts, rolling his eyes. "You know that's so annoying, right?"

Stress leans back a bit. "What?" she asks, shocked.

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