"Well played," Jace grumbles heading off. The look he gives me tells me he's gonna get me back, but I can't help but grin.

I make my way back to the garage, not even looking at the other options, and head straight for the bike I borrowed last time. It purrs to life under me as I kick off, heading down the road.

I make it there in record time, pulling in at 11:45am.

Curtis is running around ragged, trying to set up three crews. He practically jumps for joy seeing me pull up.

"Have I ever mentioned that you are a godsend?!" His face split into a giant grin as he claps my shoulder.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice," I say smiling. 

"I need you on the main crew, the harvester is temperamental, and I don't want Toby trying to handle the uneven field." I nod. The harvester is a clunky, awkward piece of shit machine that eight people work off of. Add to that the uneven nature of the field and deep drainage ditches it's not an easy task.

After a busy day fighting with the harvester as Curtis did the job of two, running between wagon and truck, but the job finally comes to an end. Toby, his youngest, held his own shuttling loads from the field to the farm, with a few more years he would be able to do anything.

"I hate to ask, but do you have a bit of time to help me fix the grain wagon? Tim got held up at college, and I need it soon." He looked a bit embarrassed to have to ask me for more help.

I waved off his concerns instantly. "Sure, but Tim's better then me," I laugh.

"Mostly I need your size, I'd never fit in there to weld and it's gonna take two people to get the belt back on." I nod and we head to the pole barn.

I change into Tim's welding coveralls, which have a neck shield thankfully, covering my bruised neck. I have to crawl under and remove a piece before I can weld the repair. Currently I'm fighting with a bent bolt and wrench, making very little progress. Suddenly the wrench slips sending the back of my fist into a metal corner. The string of profanities that come out of my mouth are enough to make a trucker blush.

"What happened!?" Curtis calls from the side.

"Wrench slipped and I fucking punched the side of the frame," I hiss, holding my throbbing hand.

"You okay?" I grumble yes. "Jeez Jess, your language is more colourful than ever," he teases. I sigh flexing my fist, that's gonna be a hell of a bruise. I wrap the cut in a rag putting the wrench back on, opting for my shoulder to push it the rest of the way.

In the span of an hour I finish the weld and Curtis slides me in the rebuilt part to bolt back on. As I tighten the last bolt, I hear a car pull up. A quick check of my phone shows it's 11pm; that's odd.

"Can I help you sir?" Curtis sounds a bit taken back.

"I'm looking for Jess," I hear Xavier's all-business tone.

"What are you doing here, Xavier?" I question, climbing out from under the wagon.

"We couldn't get a hold of you," he states like it will clear everything up.

"There's no cell service here," Curtis reasons.

"I know," he snaps annoyed like Curtis is bothering him.

"Xavier! The fuck man, don't be rude," I cut into him.

He grumbles but nods. "Get your stuff Jess, we need to go," he nods towards the SUV where Liam and Nate are waiting.

"What's going on? Chris knows I'm here," I counter. His tone is really pissing me off.

"Jess, I don't have time for your shit tonight, go change and get in the fucking car," he growls.

His words sting, I've never seen this side of him, and I don't like it one bit.

He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Please." Even he knows he's gone too far.

Curtis looks at me confused, ready to say something but I wave him off. I rip the neck guard off and shrug out of the coveralls, not caring that the tank top would hide nothing. Everyone zeros in on my neck before I can slip the hoodie back on. Xavier holds the back door open for me but I walk past him towards the bike.

"Leave it, Liam will take it back," he orders. "What happened to your hand," he asks suddenly concerned.

"Don't worry about it, I don't want to waste your time with my shit," I snap bitterly as his scowl deepens.

"You can't ride with your hand like that," he says through gritted teeth.

I walk over to the bike anyways, Liam is already on it. "Liam will drive, I can hang on just fine with one hand, besides my other hand isn't that bad. Take it or leave it Xavier, I'm not getting in that car with you." 

He just growls and glares at me. "Straight there," he says before getting in and slamming the door.

Liam passes me the jacket and helmet before we take off. Once back to the pack house, I'm surprised when we sail past the house and garage, instead pulling up to the pack hospital. I look confused at Liam who nods towards the entrance. A concerned looking Claire and Sara stand nervously waiting for me, and my heart drops.

Oh shit.

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