Hidden In The Sand - Garra x reader

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you the kazakage? Couldn't you... Do anything you wished?" She hummed, leading Garra to his bed to sit and talk. Garra shook his head in disappointment, wishing that she was right. It's just not like that.

"I'm afraid that... The other villages wouldn't understand, and wouldn't take me seriously,"

"Hmph. Then, why can't you... Keep it a secret from other villages?"

"You would have to leave behind the Leaf Village, I couldn't ask you to do that,"

"It's not like I've got anyone waiting for me back home. I didn't have friends, my family would probably be happy I was gone, leaving without a trace would be relatively simple. I just... Don't go home this time?" She scooted closer to him.

Having her around made Garra feel a rare feeling: love. That's the way things were. Garra and (y/n) were deeply in love. Something he didn't know well. Something that only she knew how to show the supposed 'monster'. He felt a hand on his as they inched closer together, eventually their faces touching. Foreheads and noses pressed together, hot breath could be felt on soft lips. It would be so... Easy... To kiss her. Something they've both gotten terribly close to, but never actually met with.

"Come on, Garra. Can we stop denying it?" She asked, wanting so badly to know her feelings were returned, and that she wasn't just dreaming that she was holding the kazakage so close.

"I've never once denied my love for you. Hidden it, yes. But never denied,"

All I wanted was you.

He had never admitted it before though. (Y/n) was left flustered. Nevertheless, her hand slid up his neck and into his hair. She pulled his face closer, and pressed their lips together. Garra's hand found its way to her waist as he melted into the kiss.

"M- marry me?" He asked, moving away from her to give her some space. They were both in tears. It felt so right. But humans are greedy creatures, what felt nice, there must be more. They wanted more of each other, of course.

"I thought- the other villages?" She sputtered, sure of her answer- if it was even possible. She wiped her own tears before reaching for him to wipe his unfortunately tired eyes.

"(Y/n). If it means that the other villages look down on me personally... I'll deal with it," he kissed her again, this time with more force and passion, pushing her down onto his bed.

"I love you Garra. Yes, I'll marry you, if you're sure,"

"I'm finally sure," the sun had now fallen. The dim light from the lamp next to his bed was the only thing lighting the room. (Y/n) smirked, pulling him on top of her, in a deep warm kiss, that quickly turned to something more than it needed to be to confirm their feelings.

Hands were everywhere, softly gliding against hot skin. Clothes came off for a long awaited night that they had both thought about for literal years. Releasing so much built up tension. The night went on, creating a bond that wouldn't ever be broken.

He woke the next morning, next to a very underdress (y/n) turned away from him. He himself was just as undressed, but didn't mind, not after last night.

"Are you... Awake?" He heard her tired voice. His hand moved on its own, resting on her side. She quietly hummed to herself happily, still turned away.

"Yeah," he whispered. He pulled her back towards himself to wrap his arms around her. She chuckled at how soft he held her. She cuddled into his grip and kissed his large hand, completely relaxed in the arms of her sudden fiancée.

That was until, there was a knock at the door. (Y/n) quickly hid herself behind her now lover, and slid all the way under the sheets.

"Who is it?" He called, being specific to not let them in.

"It's just me? Are you two planning to come out before lunch or hide the rest of the day until (y/n) can find a way to sneak out?" Temari scoffed, knowing full well what was going on between the two.

"We'll be down soon," he agreed, turning both of them bright red.

"Okay you lovebirds," her footsteps trailed away and (y/n) poked her head above the sheets, and Garra rolled over to look at her. He placed a hand over her cheek, stroking her lightly. She rested her hand over his, making his lips curl into a smile.

"I'm really happy that I'm really yours," she whispered lowly. Garra pulled her close as he could, and kissed her over again. "Part of me wants to believe that it's been longer than just last night, right?"

"Yes, I'd have to agree. I also have to thank you for the first time we met,"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You look at me... Like I wasn't a monster. You said to me the things that I needed to hear. Thank you for being so... Kind,"

"You looked like you needed it," she giggled, starting to sit up. Garra pulled her back down. "I-"

"Stay for a few more minutes?" He rested his head on the pillow, watching his beloved cuddle into him. "You're so beautiful,"

"You really think so?"

"Yes, and I'm excited for our wedding. Weather or not it'll look good for me, as long as you're with me, I'll be okay," he rubbed her back with one of his hands.

"As long as you really love me, I'm excited too," she replied, kissing wherever she could, just happy to be in his arms after so long.

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