Chapter 8

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Aditya Hooda

"No..I am completely fine..I am quite hydrated!" She said with a smirk much to my annoyance.

I had personally worked with the interior to get this room design perfectly, she can't just refuse to acknowledge it! Nope! Its not happening.

"Get up, you need to change your heart!" I said as I pulled her up while she being trying to act all lazy.

" this book shelf I got here... it will certainly make your jaw drop" I said proudly. I have always been this person, making people believe in all the goodness that exists in this world.

" you sound like an irritating salesperson! You better not become one if you are planning to!" She said, making a face like, she wants to vomit any second. How rude! So inhumane!

"And you better not be the teacher if you are planning to!" I snapped. She gave me that "Whatever" look of hers.

She glanced at the shelf, trailed her palm on my book collection, took one book out, read the title in her mind before nodding to herself laughing slightly.

"What!? Don't you like fiction?" I asked.

"No..its not that, well I just... don't read them!" she said shoving the book to me casually.

"Why not!?" I asked

"Because...after reading them, you start expecting too much from life!" she said smiling with tight lips as she turned again towards the shelf.

"Well that's not the case at all! They give you the chance to experience the pleasures that you can't have in real life!" I said clearly not understanding her lame excuse.

She let out an chuckle, "And what if you start finding those pleasures in real life too and end up being disappointed?" she said smiling to herself.

"Are you even serious?" I reasoned as she stopped moving her palm on the shelf.

"Well, everyone's not the same, right?" She said now looking at me with blank expression. Her words were very calm but managed to make me speechless. Her eyes depicting an unexplainable sadness. But why?

"What do you mean?" I asked after a while. Her words having underlying meaning to it. Sometimes, sometimes she does speak something which seems beyond any sense to me.

"Bhai...Zoya, dinner is ready!" Arjun said knocking the door before she could reply.
" won't believe, Adi is obsessed with biryani so much, that he won't mind if someone disturbs him at midnight, just to eat biryani!" Maa said laughing, followed by all.

"Maa....stop it now, you are now just exaggerating!"I frowned. Maa and Paa didn't looked quite convinced though.

"Mmmm Aunty... this biryani is so delicious, even I would not mind if someone wakes me up at night only to eat this!" Zoya said as she ate a spoon full of a delicacy as we smiled with our own mouths being full. It really was "mmmmm" kinda yummy!

"Just keep it casual" I whispered in her ear, mimicking in funny voice the words she had said earlier as I smirked like an devil again, that I am! I bet she wants to punch me across my face. But I am not that stupid to pull the mischief in bitter circumstances. Yepp!

She glared at me angrily as my smirk got even more wider.

"Ahh haa.... Zoya...Bhai... what's cooking?" Arjun said raising his brows teasingly. I hit his head, "Don't talk, eat silently" I said abruptly

"So..Arjun, you are in second year right? Do you know my sister, Noor?" she asked. He coughed uneasily hearing her question.

"Noor..? Yep..I may have heard that name before..!" He said weirdly. Strange! Weird! I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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