Chapter 1

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Zoya Siddiqui

  Never in my dreams I had imagined let alone in reality that I would be dating that arrogant, self obsessed, cranky pants, Aditya Hooda, oh correction, "FAKE dating" Aditya Hooda" !! Its truly said that no one can predict that how and when your life will take a turn to a different path. I don't know if its correct path or not but I am damn sure that there are potholes waiting for me in near ofcourse that loser would really work hard for once to make my life a living hell. I have really gotten myself into a wholesome of trouble.

I still remember each and every second, when that cranky pants had asked me to fake going out with him. I was shocked could be an understatement. I had heard from my grandpa once that, "Debt can make ones life miserable" I never knew that one day I would be an example of it! Yes , you guessed it correct, I am in debt to Aditya, so I am obliged to "help" him. A stupid mistake had led me into this!

I was collecting my books from my locker as it was the end of the day, the corridor was empty as it had gotten too late, a sudden voice of a certain someone, preferably called cranky pants startled me. I turned behind and he moved towards me.

"Heyy...Pooh Bear..." he worded keeping his hands on either side of my head and his devilish smirk plastered on his face as my back touched the lockers. Just when I was about to change my views on him but NO! After all he really had helped me! But I had forgotten that devils could never change.

I pushed him through his chest hard, ""

He let out a smooth chuckle still smirking. I glared at him angrily, as if on cue he cleared his throat keeping his arms alongside his torso, side smiling and mended his way towards me, this time keeping a distance.

"Ahh...I was about you return my favour Pooh Bear" he asked smiling wickedly. I couldn't deny the fact that he was damn charming, but I would never word it out to this arrogant cock.

"Don't call me that, you, cranky pants!! And besides, which favour you talking about?"

"Don't you try act dumb okay? You pretty well know which favour, so if you don't want to end up getting in a shitty problem, just agree to what I am asking for! Now will you?" he said stiffly. I couldn't retort to that, I simply crossed my arms and looked away snorting my nose, basically agreeing , as if I had a choice.

"Good! Now, listen to me" he clapped his hands licking his lips once. He does this very often, it's just that its seen not that I have noticed it everytime on purpose.

He gulped before continuing, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Huh WHAT?

"What!!??" I interrupted being flabbergasted.

Am I deaf or is this a dream or he has gone nuts because there can't be any other possibility! I just looked at him with disbelief. He is drunk, I think because he has to be! Aditya Hooda is asking me out, their can't be more wrong of a sentence than this!

He grabbed my shoulders and jerked me, as I was out of the trance I pushed him back again, "You are kidding right, aren't you?" I asked.

He just stood there frowning and eyeing me with frustration.

"You are NOT?" I shouted. He shushed  me that instant.

"Will you let me complete first?" he demanded. I sighed.
He combed his hair falling on his forehead back frowning.

He let out a nervous sigh and continued, "Will you be my girlfriend for just two months?"

Wtf! What does he think of me as? I couldn't believe he would go soo low! I looked at him with disgust.

"Oh Hello....its not like what you are thinking... the thought couldn't be more disgusting! How can you even think so low of me?" he reprimanded.

"So, what is it then?" I snapped.

"The thing is parents has set upped an marriage proposal for me and I don't want to get married now so I need your help!" he said rubbing his forehead with the back of a thumb and other hand just hanging on his side.

"Why can't you just reject the idea?"

"No, I could not do that! Even if I reject this proposal, they would not stop bringing in more proposals. If I let them know that I am committed to someone and that we are not planning to get married now they would leave me at peace! And give me a break! " he sighed.

"And what after two months? THEY WILL GIVE YOU A BREAK!?" I felt irritated with his stupid idea.

"Don't you remember, Pooh Bear? We will be graduating after two months. So basically I would be moving out somewhere else for job! Once out, they would not be able to force me! Now you get it?" He had a twinkle in his eyes as if he was so proud of his brilliant idea. Pun intended.

"Why don't you ask one of your many girl friends? Why me?" the obvious question I asked.

"Because, they know all of my friends so wouldn't believe, someone they haven't met before would look more convincing! And besides you are the best candidate as in,as in... in terms of you know..... you know" He trailed off.

"Old fashioned dumb?" I asked knowing exactly what he meant.

"Yeah correct!" He chuckled clapping his hands, just then realisation dawned on him. I looked at him angrily, ready to punch him on his face any second. How dare he! He smiled sheepishly.

"No... no...what I meant to say was....was..that you are very well mannered and disciplined!" He added still having guts to smile at my face.

"I know perfectly well.... what you meant. ... cranky pants!"
I reached home by 6 in the evening, it was raining so I was fully drenched. This day really went quite ugly! Firstly I had to agree to pretend of being cranky pants's girlfriend, secondly, due to this weather, I had to walk along with my bicycle getting fully drenched and thirdly, mom is out today for work, so I have to make snacks by myself. What a wonderful day, isn't it?

"Noor... Noor!" I called out as I got in, I hope at least she is home.

"Yess Appi.... coming" she replied as she descended the stairs excitedly. She has always been this bundle of joy. Always energetic and a certified drama queen.

"Wow...Appi... enjoying the rainy weather... already?" she teased laughing shamelessly, she knew I hated being drenched. Now, don't get me wrong here, I love rain its just that...I just enjoy observing it from far.

"Are you done with your teasing? Now, will you please get me a towel?" I barked as I safely unloaded my bag at the corner and keeping keys on the counter.

Noor is still in second year and I in the final. We share a very loving bond. I don't know why people hype so much about brother and sister duos! I think a pair of sisters ranks the best! We could literally share everything!

As I cleaned up myself, I made some sandwiches and we got settled on sofa  binge watching our favorite show, Friends!

"Transponster!" Rachel shouted

"Its not even a word!" Monica whined.

As we laughed our lungs out to that, a notification sound off guarded my laugh and I quickly rolled my phone over my hand and looked at the message while having a bite of my sandwich.

'Be ready for tomorrow, Pooh Bear ;-)'

I don't know why but that winking emoji made my stomach churn.

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