Chapter 4

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Aditya Hooda

Acting comes naturally to me being a prankster since childhood. Helping friends by playing an act in front of their parents so that they allow them for a night out or an trip, I was a pro. So when it came to act being in a relationship in front of my friend seemed like an cakewalk, I was all comfortable and calm. But, my companion seemed a bit distressed. I noticed Zoya was anxious.

"Aditya and I are very much like each other, our likings are pretty much the same" she said smiling to me, I can feel the nervousness beneath her voice but fortunately my friend Yash wouldn't have noticed it as he gave that "Aww" kinda look to both of us.

"Aditya... there's something on your chin.." Yash said pointing at my face.

I tried cleaning, "Is it gone?" I asked.

All of a sudden, Zoya held my jaw in her palm that felt so warm, she rubbed her thumb softly on my chin cleaning the dirt away. One minute she she was anxious and now she is behaving all cosy. I would never be able to understand her.

"Its Gone...." she said getting back to her seat properly. I just smiled.

"You both are sooo cutee..!" Yash said adoringly.

We just smiled sheepishly not able to react to such complements just yet.

" did this happened? I mean the fact that Aditya is committed to someone still sounds unbelievable" He asked curiously.

Zoya and I shared a knowing look. We knew that this question would be plopping any minute. I let Zoya do the talking.

"Actually, despite knowing each for five years , we rarely talked back then. Infact we kinda hated each other..." She said in that pitch perfect amusing tone.

"I know right. You both were like Tom and Jerry...since the start.., you remember freshman's year, you had even pranked Zoya by cutting her hair half" Yash chuckled at the worst memory because he didn't knew what had happened after that. I was black listed and was suspended for a month. I had to spend four hours every day with the counselor listening to her boring shit, can you believe that? how frustrating it was!

"Hahha....I remember...!" I let out a laugh not wanting to elaborate more. I felt a sudden whack on my foot, I was to react but she glared at me angrily and whispered which sounded like "In the memory of that!" while Yash was busy drinking his lemonade. I gulped, not in fear but in anticipation I guess.

"Yaa... that was quite an tragic incident....after that year...we never actually spoke with each other just until the year when we were paired for an buddy project...!" Zoya said nonchalantly.

"Yaa...buddy project which we tried to finish but nevertheless never  completed due to the 'difference in opinion' and both of us got zero" I said frowning at Zoya.

"Oh... don't blame were the one who had started arguing first and then why I should have stepped were such a dick back then" Zoya reasoned.

"Okay...okay enough of your old memories...lets just talk about now." Yash tried to cool down the air.

"So....a month ago, it was the last day to submit the annual project and as I am in the final year, it was very important for me for campus placements and graduation. And at last minute my laptop got corrupted, I and Noor were trying to extract files in the computer lab. We weren't really close in doing so, I had almost lost hopes...." Zoya said picturing the scene in her mind exactly.

"And when I had got in, she was nearly on the verge of crying. I asked her sister, Noor , what was the matter and you won't believe, Zoya started shouting at me angrily as if it was all my fault..." I said disappointedly.

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