Nineteen: Round Table

Start from the beginning

"When did you get daughters?" Scar questioned, while sitting back.

I made my way back to the couch and sat down.

"Gabrielle, and Lani are my daughters. Your, and August girlfriend." He replied, while getting comfortable.

Scar looked confused as all hell.

"Well can you clear all this shit up, and tell us why this muthafucka stalking our girls Raf?" I questioned, looking him in the eyes.

He took a deep breathe.

"I guess I would have to start from the beginning huh?" he questioned, while closing his eyes.

I gave him a nigga start talking look.


Matthew is your father's brother. Well half brother. Your grandfather adopted him from a children's home. There were little to no files on Matthew, but Luis Sr always had a soft spot for children so he adopted Matthew. Things were great until Matthew realize just what daddy dearest did for a living.

Luis never changed over his will, so everything was passed over to your father. His will clearly stated that to each son that is born the Santiago Cartel was passed down to them. He left Matthew out because he wasn't physically his child. Meaning he didn't have the full Santiago blood line. He only held the last name.

Matthew disappeared after that. It wasn't until I met Mia that we knew where he was. I met Ellie on a business trip to Los Angeles. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She stood at about 5'3" with long brown hair, freckles, dimples, and smile to die for. She had big brown doe shaped eyes. When I first met her she was hesitant about even getting involved with me because of Matthew. However, they took a break in their relationship, and we became close. We both took frequent trips back and forth. Everything was great until she got pregnant.

I was ecstatic of course, but she was worried. We went off and got married in secret of course, and I paid to keep any record of our marriage under wraps. Once she had Nat then came Gabby which I named both of them. I saw everything that went on with them. I have never missed anything they have done in life. I'm always keeping tabs on my babies.

As the girls got older they started to take on my features. That's when Matthew started the beatings. It was mainly Mia taking the beatings, but then he started beating on the girls. It was mainly because he knew that he wasn't their father, but he had no proof of her infidelity, and she would never admit to it. I told her everyday to leave him, and I even went and got her once; but she went right back after he threatened to kill the kids. We finally arranged to leave town together for good, but then the unthinkable happened.

I felt the tears falling. Mia was my first, and only love. I refused to fall in love with anybody else. We had it all set up. I was supposed to pick the girls up from school, but then Gab got sick, and Matthew went to get her from school. It still didn't hinder our plans because she decided to meet me later on, but she was always so stubborn, and independent.

Wanting to do things for herself. She called and told me she needed to get money from the bank, and I told her fuck the money I had them!

She chose to do differently, and right as she was coming to a train track she tried to hit her brakes, but the line had been tampered with. There wasn't enough evicence to convict Matthew, so it became an accidental death. I tried looking for the girls after Mia's funeral, but Matthew changed their names to Lewis which was his brith name before the adoption.


Guys I need you to know that you are not dealing with an ordinary man. He's considered a pedophile in the eyes of the world, but he also is a very cunning and conniving man. I've been tracking him since I left the girls.

He's connected with the girls mother, and your ex-girlfriends. He already has Jennifer's mother wrapped around his fingers. I have proof that she, and Keem are responsible for Jenn's miscarriage. I will have to get you the information before you leave. I do have an inside man that is working for Keem and Matthew. He checks in evey day at a specific time. I have a retired detective on the case as well. However, just because I have all this going on does not mean I do not need you guys on the job as well. I need you to all make sure the women are safe.

Matthew isn't just gunning for Gabrielle and Natalie. He's coming after all of you. I don't need you alarming Gabrielle. She's fragile, and she'll break easily and try to shut you guys out. Its best if you do not tell her anything August. The less she knows the more smoothly all this will run. I placed taps, and tracking devices on everything.

I watched as August face tinged a reddish pink color.

"Yeah, son I heard it all a few nights ago." I chuckled, while smirking.

He shook his head, and laughed a little.

"I do plan on meeting my daughters sooner than later. I have to let Gabrielle know that I have always been in their lives even if it was under the pretense of Uncle Raf. Chris make sure you have someone on guard at the hospital for Jenn at all times. Keep her visitors list at a minimum. Scar check your baby mother because she's out to make your life a living hell behind Isabelle." I stated, while passing him an envelope.

"What's this Raf?" he questioned

"It's a run down on where she's been for the past three years, and what she is currently trying to get done regarding custody." I stated.

He nodded and sat the envelope in his lap.

"Damn Raf ya ass been ghost, but you been keeping up with all this?" August questioned.

"I made a promise to your father that I would protect you at all costs. Now that my daughters are involved in this game it makes the stakes even higher." I replied.

He shook his head in agreement.

"I'll continue to keep up with you, and notify your mother like I've been doing. I hope this cleared up some of the questions that you have had. Scar keep Nat level headed because she's stubborn, and her attitude is the spitting image of her mother.

"Devil I got a feeling that X is going to resurface soon. Try and write a letter, or something to fill him in on the events that are going on so he isn't clueless. When he's inactive he rarely remembers anything. And fill Christina in so that she can put some of the pieces together for him.

I guess we can call this a close on this meeting since you guys know the truth.

I'll try to clear up any other questions at a later date. I can't stay idle for too long because Matthew is always working, so I have to stay ahead of him. Kiss the ladies for me, and I will see you in about three days for good." I stated, while slipping out of the secret door that I used to enter the house.


I had my answers partially, but this shit was getting crazier by the minute. My cell phone chimed. I looked down and the number was restricted. The message simply stated:

The information is on the kitchen table.

The Raf we know and love is alive, and kicking. I knew shit was just heating up with him in the mix.

Hey guy's! I'm sorry it took so long. I had the struglife going on with this particular chapter. However, I think it turned out pretty good. I'll start the next chapter tomorrow because I'm beat! Natalie and Gab's father are in the m/m. I posted a new book, but it is just the description. Would you guys read it if I decided to run with it in the near future A big thank you to @drama_free15 for listening to my complaints, and trying to help me out as much as she could. And Phoenix! (I forgot the rest of your username!) :( Enjoy! -C.Pacino

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