Who's This Hottie?!

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    I had been walking for hours upon hours. This is the longest I've gone without fucking too. I need someone to crack an egg in my ass and fuck me so hard it becomes scrambled. I never told Cara, but the job I used to do was selling drugs while working at a 27-year-old McDonald's in a rundown town 34 miles away.

As I turn the corner to who knows where, I see a bar. Perfect! Maybe I can get some fucking in! As I enter I see someone that catches my eye. Total hottie, he can spin my web for me any day~ His eight, long, slender legs. The six-pack littering his abdomen. I've decided, this is who I'm going to have intercourse with. It's been a while since I've had one on one. I usually have a threesome or foursome, so this is thrilling.

I scamper to the bathroom to slap on a fuck ton of makeup on. I look in the mirror, and a single thought occurs to me. Do you ever realize that Rick Astley rick rolls himself when he looks in the mirror?  And I thrust myself back into the main area.

The guy is still there! I can already feel things happening... down there so I make haste and skedaddle on over there. "Hello sir and who might you be~? I noticed you earlier and haven't had a good one on one fuck in awhile... what do you say~?" I ask seductively. I know there's nothing to worry about, I'm perfect.

"Well hi there. My name is Dr. Phil, but you can just call me Phil. Who are you? And would you like a drink?" he asks.

"Why of course. I'll take the strongest shit you have." I am then handed a glowing purple and orange drink. Perfect. I basically inhale it and holy fuck is that the worst thing I've ever tasted who decided put that on the menu? It tastes like peanut butter, sour crout, shaving cream, and how three-year-old unwashed socks that are worn 63 times smell, which I didn't know was physically possible to have a drink taste like. I down it nonetheless and turn to Phil.

To my surprise, he was staring intently at me. We then start to drink a lot and get completely wasted. And holy shit fuck me gently with a chainsaw, Phil is a fucking hooker. He was married to this woman named Rebecca and they were about to have twins when she caught him cheating. He didn't want to financially support her so she left to get her own job leaving him alone. He then started selling things on the black market in order to get money to pay rent (and drink his sorrows away). I then find out he's been hooking up with Jessica! That fucking slut (not that I'm much better). I'm getting bored as fuck so I cut to the chase, and in this case, is sex.

So that's what we do. We fiddly with our web spinners caress thoraxes and bite gently with our fangs. A little action happens in the anal tubercle and then boom I wake up in a foreign apartment. I'm used to it though as it has happened too many times to count, and I just ghost the guy. Fuck Phil, I want to meet his wife! Got a job while pergnante and has a child now? Like DaMn, tell me your secrets.

So it's settled, I'm going to find Rebecca and ask her how to find a good job so I can have shower sex again. Cuz goddammit I am not living without my weekly threesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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