
606 14 35

WARNING: swearing, random af


It was another day in the McDuck manor and the ducklings were... doing this.

"Hmm, what if we combined 'phooey' and 'duck?" Webby asked.

"Dooey?" Huey frowned.

"Yeah?" Dewey replied.

Louie chortled. "That's a swear word if I've ever seen one." Lena snickered alongside him.

Violet sighed. "Why are we indulging in this activity again?"

"Because 'phooey' is Mom and Uncle Donald's catch phrase. The next generation should have their own," explained Dewey excitedly.

"I don't think that's necessary," Huey said.

Webby nodded in agreement. "Yeah. The phrase 'phooey' should be passed down. It's a family thing."

Dewey pouted. "Ugh! Fine, we'll still kept the heirloom thing going. But can we please still do this? For Dewey Dew-Night?" The duckling put on his most powerful puppy-dog eyes and stared into the souls of his best friends.

Everyone was still for exactly three seconds, then all sighed in unison. "Fine."


"And we're back for another... DEWEY DEW-NIIIGHT!!" Dewey exclaimed into the camera. "Today we have five guests with us." Everyone started to squeeze onto the sofa. "Yeah uh, just squeeze in a little." After great efforts, all the ducks were squashed against each other uncomfortably.

"That's Huey for Hu-be-dy HUBERT. Then Lou-Lou Louie!"

"-Call me that again and I'll shove my blanket down your throat," Louie warned.

Dewey paid it no mind. "Then we have Web Webster. L for Lena. And finally, Violet Saberwing 'cause she's a violet saberwing!"

Everyone mentally face-palmed.

"OK, moving on!" Louie exclaimed.

"HEY!" Dewey yelled, causing everyone to jump in their seats.

The duckling looked at Louie in the eye and said in a softer, but warning tone, "Hey... I make the shots... OK?" He gave him a look to which the green duckling nodded with wide eyes.

"OK, moving on!" Dewey got settled back into his seat, weaving his hands together in front of him. "Are you all familiar with the term 'Phooey'?"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't we be? Somebody says it at least once a day," Lena sassed with an eye roll.

"Good! Now, remember what we discussed?" Dewey asked. Before anyone could answer, the blue duck answered his own question. "We were trying to create a new type of 'Phooey'! Now, Louie. Lena. You two are more common with the four-letter profanity- see, Huey, I know big words, too- 'Duck' right?"

"You're ducking right," the two ducks in question said in unison.

"Why 'Duck' though?" Webby tilted her head to the side, confused.

Violet nodded in agreement. "I, too, don't understand it. All of you are ducks. Why swear in the name of your species? It's like the beagle boys saying b*tc-"

"HEY NOW!" Huey quickly stopped her.

"You're an ALL-STAR!" Dewey finished.

He quickly put the topic back on track. Turning to Violet and Webby, he said, "It means it'll make the perfect combo! 'Phooey' is from the duck family and what better word to pair it with than 'Duck'?!"

He looked straight into the camera with a beam on his face. "So! After a long night of discussion, which was about five minutes. We finally have the word! The one!"

Louie threw on his hood to hide his smirk.

"The only!"

Lena buried her face into her elbow, biting back a loud laugh.

"One of a kind word!"

Huey hid his face in his cap. Violet blankly stared on. Webby excitedly and obliviously waited for the reveal.



The door burst open and Mrs Beakley stormed in. "OH MY WORD, WHAT DID I JUST HEAR?!"

All the ducks heads snapped up.

"Awesome! Mrs Beakley's here, too!" Dewey grinned, oblivious to her distress. "We were just introducing our new 'Phooey'! PHU-"

"-NOT ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU!" Mrs Beakley silenced him with bulging eyes.

"Granny, what's the matter?" Webby asked innocently.

"Yeah, you're ruining Dewey Dew-Night!" whined Dewey.

Beakley's eyes widened even further, if that was even possible. "That is not going on the internet!" She swiped out the plug, powering off the mic and knocking over the camera.

"Hey!" Dewey protested.

"Do you know what in FOWL's name you just said?!"

"All of us knew," Louie admitted, but held a smirk. "But we were waiting to see if Dewey would notice."

Beakley sighed. "I swear you kids are going to be the death of me."

"But Granny, what's wrong with ph-" A look from her grandmother shut Webby up.

"You know what? You're too innocent, but if you really must, ask your uncle. I play no part in this!" Beakley held her hands up and walked out the room. "Just don't say that word ever again!"

"Yes, Mrs Beakley," everyone said in unison.

As soon as she left, Louie and Lena burst out laughing, but were soon reprimanded by their brother and sister.

"OK so... 'Phooey' and 'Duck'. Not a good idea," Dewey mumbled to himself and he wrote it down in his 'not a good idea' notebook. "Man, I'll need a new notebook soon."

~The End~

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