He pushed her back onto the seat before taking the keys from her hand and locking the car.

In the store Natasha Grabbed a cart before she heard Graysons loud footsteps approaching her. "H-Hey. Wow you are really f-fast for a short person." She blinked, deliberately avoiding eye contact with him, "Little people also hold the most anger."

Grayson sighed as they entered the hair product isle. "Okay look I know you're mad-"

"I'm not mad." He tilted his head, "You sound mad."

She sighed as she grabbed bright pink temporary hair dye. "There's no reason for me to be mad. We're not together like them, we're not even that close. It's not like I like you like you like me." He narrowed his eyes as he watched her actually buy food now, "You sure?"

"I sure about what?" She turned to meet his eyes. Those dark brown eyes that matches hers, the ones she loves to stare in.... wait what?

"Are you sure you don't like me?" She paused. Flicking her eyes to the ground and biting her bottom lips slightly before for looking back into his. "No I'm not sure." He held a finger up before turning around and doing a small fist pump before turning back around to meet her knowing smile as she holds a laugh in. "You didn't see that."

She chuckles she grabbed bacon. "Nope." He smiles nonetheless before speaking up. "I was serious."

"So was I, I didn't see that." She looked at his face before turning around with her arms leaned onto the cart as she pushes it. "You weren't talking about that."

He shook his head, "No. I was serious when I said I'll be glad to teach you. How to love, that is." Natasha blinked as the memory started resurfacing in her mind.

"What's yours and Elizabeth's mother's last name?"

"Oh we don't share the same mother."

"You don't?" Becky looked between the too before speaking up, "Why not?" The teenagers eyes widened at they shared glances before Natasha stammered out an excuse, "W-Well... uh you see.... Grayson?" Grayson shook his head at her making her glare at him, he's not going to lie, her glare scared him and oddly made him feel something.

"Well pumpkin, when mommy and daddy fall out of love, they go and find another love."

"Why did they fall out of love?" Once again the two shared a glance. Grayson shook his head, "Natasha?"

"Fu- okay." Grayson smiled as she stopped herself from cursing in front of his little sister, "Well Becky people fall out of love many many times, until they find the one."

"The one?" Natasha nodded, "Yeah you know, like your mommy and daddy. They've been in love for a long time, and considering that they're still together they decided to have children, like your brothers and you." Becky tilted her head to the side, "So you're saying you and Gray are going to have children?"

The two choked on their spit, a blush covering both of their faces when they made eye contact. "Um what?" They sputtered.

"You're in love aren't you?" Grayson swallowed his spit, "Uh pumpkin we just met."

"Love at first sight? Mommy and daddy said they had that and look at them now!" Natasha thought she was going to have a heart attack, "Honey no offense but I don't believe in that, so no doubt that'll never happen." Grayson furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't believe in love at first sight? Why?"

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