chapter 35-heartache tonight

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Rachel's p/v
So Darry is with Mary, Nigel ditched me for some girl he met, and Declan can't make it to the party. The sun just set and I'm ready to go home. I guess I could try to reconcile with my ex friends but that would be awkward, especially since Sage and I got into a heated argument. She probably already told them about it, much like she told my secrets to Nina. I thought it could've been Darry since Hector did tell him about what happened, but Hector swore it wasn't him. He didn't include that part at least, just that I got into an argument with my friends. Whatever, I will seriously be salty until the end of time. But that can't keep me from talking to the rest of them. Aiden, Nina, Jasmine, Bowie, Erica, they were my friends first. I hate to be that bitch but I met them first and I shouldn't be afraid to talk to them. Now is the perfect chance to prove that.

I see all of them sitting on a couch under an octagon gazebo. Wow, they're all extremely gorgeous. I have attractive friends. I start making my way towards them. Someone bumps into me from behind.
"Shit sorry-"
I turn around. "You're good."
Kyle rubs his elbow. I didn't expect to see him anytime soon, and I was counting on it too. But this is my road of self healing, and I'll do whatever it takes to ride it.
"Rachel, you look good."
"Thank you. You look good too," I awkwardly look away, "um, do you think we could talk?"
"Yeah, I think we need to talk."
I pass him and start walking towards the house. Is my back sweaty because it feels sweaty.

Kyle opens the bedroom door for me. I slowly enter. I haven't been in Hector's room in a long time. No more race car posters and shrines of soccer players, but the drawing I made for him is still on his wall.
I walk towards his desk. A bunch of calculus homework and basketball game notes. I turn around and admire the little swirl staircase that Darry and I helped Hector construct. It leads to the basement. God knows what's up there.
"How have you been?" Kyle asks. Phew, I didn't have to break the silence.
"Alright. How about you?"
"Life couldn't be better."
"Glad to hear that."
"I saw that Tyler got a girlfriend. You guys didn't work out?"
"There's never a time where things were work in my favor. He simply found someone else."
"I'm sorry about that. You'll get over him."
"Slowly but surely. Have you seen any other girls since our break up?"
Kyle folds his arms on one of the steps on the stair case and lays his chin on his arms. "I was talking to a girl to get over you, but we ended up ghosting each other. I low-key did feel bad for jumping into the dating scene again but a lot of emotions waved over me, and well here I am. Nonetheless, my feelings for you haven't changed in the slightest.
"You had every right to date other people, but I'm sad to hear that you fell into the same trap I fell in. It's not ok to lead people on or use them, and I know it sounds ironic coming from me but believe me, I learned my lesson."
"No, I totally get it. I'm going to take my time to fully get over you."
"Maybe in a different life where I'm less crazy and heartbroken we could be together. But for now, do you think we could try to be friends?"

Kyle doesn't respond. A smile then reaches his face. He stands up straight and walks over to me.
"Yeah, for sure."
I reach out my hand. "Friends?"
He shakes my hand. "Friends."
We go into each other's arms. I can't stop grinning.
"Do you want to go dance? The music is horrible but we can just play a different song in our heads."
Kyle laughs. "I'd love to but I promised I'd hang with my friends before they leave. That's why I accidentally bumped into you, we were pushing each other around."
Kyle and I pull apart. Good, I'm not the only one grinning.
"Enjoy the rest of the party."
"You too, save me a dance yeah? Unless you meet a guy, then you don't have to worry about me."
I laugh. "Of course. I'll see you later, maybe."
Kyle smiles. "See you." He kisses my forehead. He then walks out the room. A soulmate who wasn't meant to be.

My friends are still sitting on the couch, laughing up a storm. I have mad skills for making up with people, I just proved it.
"Hey guys." I say. They stop laughing, but they're smiling at each other. "What are you guys laughing about?"
"Nothing." Nina answers. Sage whispers into Aiden's ear. He bursts out laughing and immediately covers his mouth with his hand.
"You guys look really pretty, the outfits definitely outshine everyone else's."
No one says anything. They're all glancing at each other.
"Thank you, Rachel." Jasmine says with a warm smile.
Everyone bursts into laughter, except for Jasmine.
I start to laugh a bit. "What's so funny?"
"Do you guys want to move to the dance floor? Sage asks.
"Oooh yeah! The music selection is so good." Lily says.
Sage gets up and everyone follows. They walk to the dance floor.
"Rachel, I-"
Sage interrupts Jasmine by dragging her away. I sit down on the couch and put my purse next to me.

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