chapter 5- prettiest here

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August 4th, 2019
Rachel's p/v
Today is the first day of sophomore year. I'm going to make this year my bitch. C's get degrees!

Sage picked out my outfit because I was panicking over what shirt to wear. I've got on a black t-shirt with words on it, denim jacket, beige cargo pants, white filas, and sunglasses. I made Darry take photos of me outside of his friend Nigel's apartment complex. The three amigos are grabbing breakfast before their senior year starts. Kind of wish I didn't have a first period now.

Here goes nothing. I take a deep breath and walk out the car.
"Have fun Rachel!"
"Yeah, have fun dude!" Nigel yells from the back.
"Darry, I'm nervous."
"Don't stress, Rachel. You'll be just fine!"
I nod and walk towards the front gate. If only Sage was here with me. She's talking to her counselor about her art class. Time to find my math class.

Cool, I recognize no one in this damn class. There's a seating chart too so even if I knew someone I wouldn't be able to sit next to them.

I quickly find my seat. I'm in the first row and the first person in my row. So it's not by last name I see. I glance up at the seating chart. The boy sitting behind me is named Tyler Herrington. Yeah, I've got no clue who he is. From what I can tell when I entered class, he's got a cool style. Vintage dark blue football jacket, white t-shirt, blue baggy jeans, and white nike sneakers with a dark blue arrow. Even his name sounds vintage. Interesting.

A girl enters the classroom, looks at the board, and sits next to me. I look at the cheating chart.
Her name is MaryJane Ackerman. Ok, Mary's outfit is so damn cute. She's wearing a caramel brown sleeveless turtleneck, a dark brown and dark green plaid skirt, brown oxford shoes, white socks, and a dark green messenger bag. She definitely knows how to color coordinate. I'll HAVE to talk to her at some point. Her style is amazing!

A pencil lands behind my back. Great, is Tyler one of those annoying guys?
"Shit sorry. Can you give me my pencil back?" Tyler asks.
I reach behind and hand him the pencil without turning around.
Mary looks up from her phone and looks at Tyler. I can see those two dating, they seem to have similar fashion sense. But Mary reminds me of one of those awkward geeks from middle school. And Tyler...he's...good-looking. But he's definitely a troubled kid.

A couple of kids start throwing paper balls at people. One hits Mary in the face and one lands on my desk.
"Can I see that?" Tyler asks me. I hand him the paper ball. He chucks it across the room and it hits the guy who threw it. He's gotta get revenge for Mary now, she faced more embarrassment than I did.

After going over the syllabus and taking a surprise pop quiz, class is finally over. As I put my notebook in my Kanken, Tyler stands in front of my desk.
"Hey, we didn't officially meet. I'm Tyler Herrington."
"I'm Rachel Sandoval."
"So tell me Rachel, how does it feel to be one of the paper ball victims?" Tyler takes my hand, helping me up from my chair.
"Other than feeling absolutely honored that they chose me to annoy, it's just another reason why I hate sophomore boys. Not including you." I say as Tyler and I walk out the door.
"Yeah, sophomore boys do suck. Not just them but literally everyone at this school, especially the school officials."
"You got that right. From the nurse, to the counselors, and the principle."
"The principle turned down my idea of broadcasting student directed films on the school news. I'm not a director, but I would kill to be casted in a film. It's like they don't listen to us students at all."
"My thoughts exactly! I wanted to make a dance club with my friend but the principe denied our request. She thought it was unnecessary or whatever."
"Dude that's so unfair. It's not like it's going to interfere with the dance team."
"Right! I was on the dance team but I dropped out because my grades were slipping."
"Aww. Are you going to try out this school year?"
"No. I really wanna focus on my grades this time around."
"Once you get the swing of things you can convince the principle to let you make a dance club."
I sigh. "If only."
"We'll get our voices heard, eventually.".
"Ok, but let's get our voices heard without being late to class."

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