Chapter 4- four seasons

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August 3rd, 2019
Rachel's p/v
"Do you have the lighter?" I ask. Hector lights the candle that's on the cupcake. Darry is going to love this. After all, he slept on the couch with me until the lights went back on. AND IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY! Grandpa is 18! He can apply for senior discounts now.

Hector goes on the left side of Darry's bed and I go on the right.
Darry wakes up. "What?"
"Happy birthday man! Make a wish." Hector holds the plate in front of Darry's face. He blows out the candle.
"How does it feel to be 18, ya old man!"  Hector messes his hair.
"So far, pretty good I guess. What's up with you guys? You both look really tired."
"Wow things have changed. You judging our appearances while we work our butts off to make this happen. I see how it is." Hector teases.
"Whaaaat? What I meant was, hi, good morning. You two look lovely, and is that a new shampoo you're using, Hector? And those eyebrows, Rachel. Damn who's idea was it to get them threaded again? Oh that's right, me."
"And he's cocky too! 18 changes a man." Hector shakes his head.
"But in all seriousness, thanks guys."
"Rachel and I will be talking behind closed doors."
"We will?" I frown.
"Yes, we will. Darry needs to get ready. C'mon Rach, let's go." Hector drags me out the room.
"I can walk out myself!"
"I'm sure you can."

Darry's p/v
18 years on this planet. 18 years of not knowing if that man was going to beat me to death or not. 18 years of dreaming for the day I finally get full custody of Rachel. Despite all the pain and torture I endured, the good moments with Rachel and Hector make those 18 years worth it. I'm living to be able to walk on that stage at graduation. Living to walk down the aisle at my wedding. Living to walk door to door rescuing kids from their homes. Everything I do is for my future. I can just picture the love of my life right now.

Rachel's p/v
I gasp. "Taylor did not. Is it actually her?"
"She Face-timed me to confirm. Do you think she's still going to call Darry?"
"After flirting with you? No way. But we can't let Darry know. This is his day."
"You're right. He needs to feel nothing but happiness. I have to pick up Darry's gift right now. I'll catch you later."
"Wait, but you-"
Hector walks out the door. He's got some serious bad manners for not helping me clean the kitchen. Darry walks out his room. "Taylor hasn't called
"Aw, bummer. She's probably not the one."
"Praying she goes to the same school as us. Better yet, is in one of my classes."
"I just hope Ricardo is in one of my classes again."
"Oh c'mon Rachel it's too early for you to say bad words."
"Darry, he isn't all that bad. If only you'd give him a chance to get to know him."
"I don't think I'll ever give him a chance. I don't care if part of him is good. I don't want you to fall under his bad influence."
"You don't ever listen to me."
"Can we not fight on my birthday
"You're right, you're right, I'm sorry."
"Now can I get my birthday hug?"
I hug him and see in the corner of my eye, Sage, Jason, and Ricardo in the back seat of a yellow minivan. Sage rolls down the window. "Happy birthday, Darry!"
"Rachel, ready to go?"
"You bet I am" I pick up my bag and start walking out the door.
"Where are you going?"
"School registration! It's at 8."
"Ohhh, right. Be careful! Say hi to your other friends for me."
"Will not!"
"Alright sounds good!"

Honestly, my ID photo turned out pretty cool. I like it at least.

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