chapter 18- the greatest

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August 22nd, 2019
Bowie's p/v
"I'm really glad you could make it." I hand Erica a bouquet of flowers. I hope this isn't too cheesy. I don't want this moment to be ruined.
"I'm glad to be here. What do you have planned?" She flashes her gorgeous smile at me.
I cover her eyes. "It's a surprise. Come with me."
"Make sure I don't run into things." She holds onto my arm.
"You're safe with me. Right this way ma'am." I carefully walk her down a path.
"Ok, now you can look." I hug her from behind. She gasps.
There is a picnic basket on a blanket made of leaves, candles on top of books about fairies, and a mirror with real plants hanging from it.
"Bowie, this is beautiful. It's perfect."
"I'm glad to hear that. I tried hard to impress you."
"Anything you do impresses me."
"Is it safe to say I'm in your heart?"
"No doubt where you belong in my mind." She puts down the bouquet of flowers and kisses me on the lips.

"Rise and shine loser!"
I open my eyes. Was this all a dream?
"It's 7:20! You're going to be late!" My brother Axel yells from across the room.
"How is it 7:20? Did my alarm not go off?"
"I don't know, I wasn't here. Mom says you have to hurry or you'll be taking the bus to school."
"I can get ready in 10 minutes. I'll just buy breakfast at brunch."
"Well you better get a move on sleepy head!"
Axel yells as he leaves my room. Little brothers are so annoying.

Tyler's p/v
I'm waiting for Mary to finish getting ready. We're going on a date to the diner. She can take all the time in the world to get ready. I'm attracted to her no matter what she looks like.

We walk out of the house in our coordinated outfits, per Mary's request. She's wearing a red poodle skirt, red and white gingham top, black block heels, and white socks. I'm wearing a red sleeveless top, black leather vest, leather pants, and black dress shoes. She insisted on me wearing a coat and matching tie but I love my rocker look. I just wish she'd love the way I am, no matter what I look like.
"You look marvelous, darling." I smile at her.
"Thank you dear. I do hope you love the perfume I'm wearing. It's designer."
"Of course I love it." I say as I open the car door for her.

We get to the diner and right off the bat I can tell we're going to have to wait a while for a table. It's breakfast hour where everyone needs energy to fuel up. Mary and I sit at the waiting bench along with some other people.

They finally lead us to our table. I pull the seat out for my lady to sit, and then sit myself. I look around the diner to see if I recognize anyone. Most of the people are elders, a few teens here and there.
Jailhouse Rock is playing. This song is taking me back to prom!
"Mary, it's my favorite song! Oh please dance with me!"
"I will not do such things. I don't have the proper shoes!"
"It doesn't matter!"
"It does too matter, Tyler. Of course you wouldn't know."
"Suite yourself. I'm going to go dance." I get up from our table and head to the dance floor. I get in line with the other people. It's like we can read each other's minds, we're dancing the same.

The instrumental part of the song is playing. Everyone has a partner but me. I turn to my left and see a girl without a partner too. I take her hand and start dancing with her. She spins me and I spin her too. Golly, what a gorgeous girl she is. I've never a gem quite like her.

The song ends and we all clap. Everyone walks back to their tables, except for me and the girl .
"You dance really swell." I say.
"So do you. I've never met a man with the moves that you have."
"What is your name?"
"Rachel Sandoval." She puts out her hand for me to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Rachel. I'm Tyler Herrington." I shake her hand.
"Do you like my outfit? We're kind of matching."

Rachel is wearing black leather pants, black off the shoulder top with a red rose button, and red heels. She's absolutely stunning.
"I love your outfit. I love a women in leather."
A muscular guy walks up to Rachel. "Why are you talking to this spoiled brat?"
"We were just dancing. Tyler, this is Ricardo, my boyfriend."
"I'm not trying to steal your lady. I got my own girl." I clarify. This guy looks like he can beat me up with a fist bump.
"Well why don't you skedaddle away? You may be dressed like a greaser, but I've seen you at school. You're just another plastic doll."'
"I'll be on my way. See you around, Rachel."
"Actually you won't." Ricardo spits in my face.
"And why is that?"
"In case you haven't noticed, me and my girl are greasers. Why don't you go back to your rich daddy? I bet he can buy you a life." Let's go babe." He puts an arm around her. She mouthes "I'm sorry."

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