Ivette continued to ramble on about the break coming up and Christmas break afterwards. I zoned out while her and Harry conversed, reading the book in my hands instead. It was just getting to the good part when it was snatched out of my hands. I scoffed before Jeremy lifted my head and sat beneath me, letting my head then rest on his thigh.

        "And to what do we owe the pleasure?" I teased.

        Jeremy smirked. "Skipping class. Little bit bored. Saw you guys. Here I am."

        "Fascinating story," mocked Ivette.

        Jeremy said, "But I also came to tell you, Grace, that my dad is making me take you to a bridal shop so you can get a bridesmaid dress this weekend. I figured you had a boyfriend that would be a lot more willing than me, but I'll have to tag along because he's going to call. Some stupid shit about 'sibling bonding' or something."

        I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Fine, but you can't be this annoying. So basically, just don't be yourself, okay?"

        He rolled his eyes, mimicking me. "Ha-ha, you're hilarious. I'll be on my best behavior." And by the smirk he gave me when he got up, purposefully letting my head fall, I knew he said it with anything but honesty.


        On the drive home, Harry's phone rang and he answered it reluctantly. I tried not to eavesdrop, but he seemed to get more frustrated by the minute. I couldn't hear whoever it was on the other end, so I looked out the window until he finally hug up, dropping his phone rather angrily on the console.

        Glancing over at him, he was rubbing his face just as he pulled into my driveway. I unbuckled and asked, "Are you okay? Your phone has been going off nonstop all day."

        He shook his head and tried to smile. "I'm fine, Grace. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Even when he leaned over to console to place a kiss on my lips, I wasn't convinced.

        "Why won't you tell me?" I asked when he pulled away, hating myself for being so nosy.

        "Because you don't need to know everything, right?" he muttered, rubbing his temples. "I don't want to rush you out, but I really need to go."

        Eyebrows pulling together, I frowned and opened the car door. But I paused for a moment, not seeming to be able to let it go. "Do you need anything?"

        He sighed. "I need you to close the door, please."


        "Grace, I need go. Please close the door."

        Rolling my lips together, I did as he said and he wasted no time in backing out the driveway. Folding my arms across my chest, I walked towards the front door and entered. Noah was on the couch with Bill, Neil being absent, playing a violent video game and shouting at the screen. I sighed as I kicked off my shoes, then headed for the stairs.

        I didn't do much except study for a while, but thoughts of what was distressing Harry kept distracting me. I didn't like seeing him so flustered and... upset. I also didn't like being the one who upset him further.

        I called Jacob for a bit of a distraction, and he talked about how awesome Brady was for getting back at Mike for what he did to Ivette. I tried to stay intact with the conversation, but was losing a bit of my sanity just from the continuous thoughts of what was troubling Harry.

        Rain started to fall just as Mom announced dinner time. I walked downstairs and also tried to distract myself in her and Noah's conversation about school. She asked me about exams and such, but it was hard to stay interested. 

Infatuation // Harry StylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora