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Years Later
Summer 20XX
June 24th

My Dear Mother and Father,

Many years have passed since you two were gone in this world. Everything here is good as usual as Artorius's business was doing fine, father. Mother, I very missed you very much that I wonder if you're watching me up from the heavens. (y/n)'s business was the same as I working very hard as his assistant at work. When I gave birth to 2 beautiful healthy twin babies, (y/n) would always tell me to rest after breastfeeding as I would sometimes worry about how it's going to affect his business. But he somehow managed his time and would sometimes bring the babies to work. He took care of the babies very well as the twins loved his father being funny to them, making them laugh. The dogs are very friendly and curious about the twins when they come to me and (y/n) with the babies and sat next to us to take a look at them. I missed you two very much that I'll remember you in a very special place in my heart. I'm very happy to be here as well as missed you. I love you, mother and father.

❤️A. Pendragon

??: *closed the diary and smiled, thinking about her parents*

7 year old girl: Mother, are you done?

Mother: Yes Lily. What is it you need, sweetie? *turned to where the girl is and picked her up to let her sit on her lap*

Lily: Are we going to visit our great grandparents and grandparents?

Mother: Yes, now go get ready while I get your brother

Lily: Oh I'm already ready. Percy and Papa were also ready, too. They're waiting for you

Mother: Oh okay *smiles* tell your father that I'll be there in a minute

Lily: Okay Mother *runs out of the door*

Mother: Oh my goodness Lily *softly giggles* Now I should get ready

Few minutes later

Mother: My apologies

Percy: Wow mother, you looked pretty in that dress

Papa: I agree with Percy, it looked nice on you, Arthur

Arthur: Oh thank you (y/n) *smiles*

(y/n): *blushes*

Lily, Percy: Oh~~

(y/n): *noticed the kids, regain composure* Shall we get going then?

Lily, Percy: Yeah!

Percy: Can we bring Cream and Vanilla?

(y/n): Sure, but don't forget that Cream is old

Lily, Percy: We know *grabbed both of the dogs' leashes, put it on the dogs and started running to the car with Lily carrying Cream*

(y/n): *hold out his hand* Shall we?

Arthur: Yeah 😊 *held his hand and started walking to the car where their kids are*

The family of 4 got into the car and drove out of the mansion exit and drove to their location which was about 20 minutes away from home. The kids started to play with the dogs as (y/n) was looking through his phone while Arthur took pictures of the twins with the dogs. She showed the pictures to her husband as he looked that the picture on her phone and told her it was good. Lily wanted to play with her mother's phone as she lends her daughter the phone and immediately started playing a game with Percy. Arthur went to rest her head on (y/n)'s shoulder and closed her eyes as the twins noticed their mother napping and played the app quietly. (y/n) lightly smiled as he told the twins when they're done with their mother's phone, making sure that they returned it to her as they nodded and continue playing with the phone together.

20 minutes later

The family of 4 had arrived at their location where they see tons of many graves and tombstones everywhere. Arthur woke up to her daughter, Lily, gently waking her up and letting her know that they're here. She then holds out her mother's phone to return it to her as Arthur thanked her and kissed her cheek. Lily and her mother got out of the car with Arthur holding a bouquet. The family started walking into the cemetery with the twins holding their parents' hands as they were walking towards 2 tombstones with their family names with the dogs. Arthur placed down the bouquet in front of the tombstones, walked back to where (y/n) and the twins were and picked Lily up and hugged her.

Lily: Mother, do you think that our great grandparents and grandparents are watching us from the sky?

Arthur: Yes Lily. They are watching us from the skies

Percy: I miss grandpa *saddens*

Lily: Same *wiping her tears out of her face* Grandpa is really kind-hearted like you, mother

Arthur: *kisses her daughter's cheek* I know *tears appeared on her face*

(y/n): Honey, don't cry *wipe his wife's tears* They know that you miss them so much. Lily, Percy and I were here for you

Lily: Yeah, so don't feel sad, mother

Percy: She's right, don't be sad. We're here for you, mother

Arthur: Thank you two and (y/n)

(y/n): *carried Percy up so he can kiss his wife's cheek and smiles seeing his wife smiled with the twins* Shall we get home?

Arthur, Lily, Percy: Yeah

The family of 4 looked at the sky as they think about the family members that passed away. They smiled as the family walked back to the car that was waiting for them and started the engine. The driver started during them back home as the bouquet was left in front of the tombstones with the family name printed on it. It was very sad for the family but determined for their coming future. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

Male!Reader x Fem! Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now