"Who? The dude who took you out?" Calvin asked as he walked in with a full bowl of popcorn.

"Quincy." I corrected. "My boyfriend."

"For like a week."

I corrected him yet again."It's gonna be two weeks next week."


I walked over to him, taking the popcorn from his grasp. "Gimme this."

"Nae!" I just smiled, grabbing a handful, passing the bowl back, and taking a seat. "What we watching?"

"Whatever I want to watch." Kelly snatched up the remote, causing Calvin and I to groan. "Shut up. I have good taste."

The three of us sat in silence, passing the bowl of popcorn between us as we watched.

"So when are you gonna tell Ma and Pops you have a boyfriend?" Calvin asked curiously as he munched on his popcorn. "Cause I'm telling you right now, I'm not lying for you to go and sneak off."

"Is it even that serious to tell them?" Kelly wondered.

"They have fucking titles Kelly." Calvin responded.

Kelly shrugged, not taking it all that serious. "It's been, like, five dates."

"So what? I bet you they've kissed already." Calvin insisted.

"No they haven't." Kelly snapped. "Y'all haven't kissed right?"

"Nope." I swiftly lied.

"She just lied straight to your face and you're gonna take that?" Calvin pressed, giving Kelly a look.

"Why do you always insist on playing her?!" Kelly exclaimed.

I just sunk into my seat as I listened to them bicker back and forth over the topic. "Y'all done?" I asked once I finally had enough of the arguing.

"Look, you gonna let them know or what?" Calvin asked, his tone changing letting me know he was being serious.

"I will." I assured him with a nod, seeing his face relax slightly. "Just not right now."

Calvin sucked his teeth, grabbing the popcorn from my grasp. "Gimme this. Punk."

I couldn't hold back a snicker, glancing at Kelly who was also amused.

"You're old enough to make your own decisions. Just learn from my mistakes and do not have the kid pull up in front and honk to make you come outside." She expressed. "Daddy was pissed."

I was intrigued to hear more. "How long did that relationship last for?"

"You remember Willy?"

"Who?" Calvin and I asked in confused tones.

"Exactly." She smirked.

"Did Dad make y'all break up?" I asked, instantly getting worried.

"He banned him from seeing me. And after sneaking around for a bit, I cut it off. He wasn't worth it. Y'alls opinions matter to me."

"So, if we don't like your next boyfriend you'll cut him off? Just like that?" Calvin questioned with interest.

"I mean, I'll consider your opinions. If they're valid. And then make my decision." Kelly looked at me. "You're in control of what you want, you understand me?" I nodded swiftly. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Why don't you give me advice like that?" Calvin wondered.

Kelly leaned back in her seat. "You have Rashad for a reason Calvin."

"He doesn't talk to me like that."

"He doesn't?"

Calvin smiled at the look that came on Kelly's face. "Nah, he does something like that, yeah."

"It's our job to keep you in line." She spoke. "We don't want you dealing with the same stuff we had to."

"You sound like Ma." I pointed out.

"Ugh, don't ever say that again." Kelly frowned before turning back to the TV making me let out a laugh.

Seeing the mood in the room, I decided to be honest. "I kissed Quincy by the way. Calvin was right."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Kelly's eyes widened. "You had your first kiss?!"

I reached over for the popcorn bowl, popping a piece in my mouth. "That wasn't my first ever kiss."


Calvin and I exchanged looks with smiles. Sometimes it felt like me and my siblings were in two separate generations.

"You move out and go to college and you miss everything." She complained.

"Still love you though." I smiled, going and kissing her cheek.

Kelly moved her face away from me. "Eww, you nasty. You just had your lips on a boy like an hour ago."

"Let's not go to where your lips have been." Calvin mumbled, making me instantly let out a laugh.

Kelly picked up the nearest throw pillow whacking him with it. The living room soon turned into chaos as Calvin retaliated, and I couldn't help but join in all on the fun. The three of us chased each other around the space with pillows, laughing like children.

"What are y'all doing?" A new voice spoke up, making all of us freeze, seeing Pops standing at the entrance with his arms crossed. All of us just slowly made our way to the couch, sitting properly knowing it was the end of our pillow fight. Just one look at his face and we knew he was in disciplinary mode.

My eyes followed as he picked up the pillow that was at his feet and threw it our way with a smile. "Pick these up." He swiftly left the room, going to the kitchen.

Kelly, Calvin, and I glanced to each other with a mix of expressions before bursting into laughter.

Little moments like these just reminded me that life was going right.

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