Inspiration (BTS Jimin imagine)

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After she was done Jimin stood up and walked to her

"Again. The last high note was weak. Let's repeat it again" He said and Jhope turned the music on. Jhope with Jin and Jungkook watched Jimin and saw how strict he was as a teacher

Your daughter messed up again and he closed his eyes out of frustration

"You missed few practices and see what's happening? I told you that you need to work harder...come on again" He said and she started to get annoyed. She sang again and Jimin got down to match her height. He showed her to go higher and nodded after she hit the last note perfectly

"Okay this time it was good" He said and gave her water. He wasn't happy with her and knew that she can do better. After taking a rest for a bit Jimin helped her with the choreography. Jhope and others thought that it was good but Jimin still saw few mistakes. He corrected her and told to repeat the same move few more times.

After few hours Haneul was tired. Her little body couldn't take it anymore. As Jimin left for a bit she broke down in tears. Taehyung was first to see that and ran to her. He took her in his arms and calmed her down

"Jimin is too strict, she's still young and become ill if he will keep on doing this" He said to others and saw you walking in with coffee for everyone. Your smile dropped after you saw your child crying. You gave the bag of coffee's to Jungkook and quickly ran to take her in your arms. After Haneul saw you she shouted mommy and cried louder. You calmed her down and asked others what happened. They sighed and told everything. You got furious and asked where Jimin was. He came back in practice room and saw you.

"What is this Jimin? Is this all true what your members said to me? Are you insane? She's not a robot Jimin!" You said stroking your daughter's hair as she rested with her head on your shoulder

"She needs practices, after you let her to rest for a whole week she became lazy and doesn't do her best. I worked even harder when-" Then you cut him off

"I don't care how much you practiced! She's a child for God's sake! I'm taking her home!" You shouted and he did the same

"It's all because of you! You let her sleep, play games and all that stuff! Haneul wanted to be a singer right?! That means that she needs to work hard!" He said with angry eyes and you chuckled. You took all her things and walked to him

"You're a grown ass man who has a lot of strength, and look at her, look at our daughter. She can't work like that, if she will, she will become sick...I swear to God Park Jimin...I won't let you teach her ever again" You said and left with Haneul in your arms. Jungkook with Taehyung left too to help you

They put your and her bags in where you told them to and said bye to Haneul. She was sad, really sad but this time she agreed with your opinion.

"My little sunshine, you're all sweaty and red" You said turning around and looking at her at the backseat

"Everything is ok, alright? Mommy won't let anyone to hurt you" You smiled and caressed her cheek.

After you left Jimin couldn't believe what happened. He was angry at himself and at the whole world

"Jimin, this time Y/N was right. Haneul today did her best, let her rest" RM said and Jimin nodded while looking at the ground. He thought how he should look in your eyes and apologize but mainly what he should say to his daughter...

After you got home Haneul was extremely hungry, so you ordered everything she wanted and layed with her in her bed. You two watched films and had your mom and daughter time. Finally you heard her beautiful laugh and saw her bright smile which reminded you of Jimin. He wasn't home and you weren't waiting for him. You were still angry at him and never thought that he can be like that.

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