"You'll have to set a password to get in," Minnie informed us. "Breakfast starts at 7:00, there'll be a table for you at the front, see you then." She swept off in the opposite direction to Siri and Remus.
I blinked after her, then turned back to the picture, which suddenly spoke in a clear voice,
"Um yeah, just a minute," Neville told it, then, facing us, "Let's discuss."
"What about Solangelo?" Luna asked mischievously, and I immediately vetoed that idea. She pouted but started conversing quietly with Hermione in Greek.
"Any ideas Drake? Nev?"
" What about-" Neville started but was interrupted by Hermione giggling as Luna told the portrait,
"The password is Ghostly Sunshine" (AN.Bold italics equals Greek, remember?)
Password is set. Welcome. The painting intoned, as we gaped at the smirking girls. Women are evil!
"You did not just do that!" I cried,
" Oh, we did. " Luna smiled, high-fiving Hermione,
Will must have seen my furious expression as he quickly stepped between us and cheerfully spoke,
"Leave it Neeks, it's in Greek anyway; no one will know what it means! Besides I think it's cute, let's just go in."

I pushed past the girls and pushed at the frame,
Password? The voice sang and I growled before muttering the password. The picture opened smoothly and I strode through moving to the side to let the others through. We were standing in a large cosy room, the walls soft shades of brown and cream offset by the big stone mantle piece and fireplace. There was a long comfortable looking leather couch, big enough for us all, and two armchairs either side, all facing (at an angle) the roaring fire and the huge flat-screen tv set above it. A round coffee table was in the centre of the room, smaller square tables and cabinets set between the seating, all in a dark brown wood. Soft knitted throws and plump cushions were scattered across the couch and chairs in a rainbow of colours, orange, purple, grey, blue, yellow and green being the most prominent. There were several colourful beanbags around the table: one each. Two large oak bookcases framed the tv and fireplace, both stuffed with books and a single staircase led to, I assume, the bedrooms.
"Whoa," Dray's voice from beside me.
"Uh huh." Will agreed.
"It's beautiful!"
"I know," Luna agreed, " We can check it all out later, " She said, gesturing to some cabinets in the corner that I hadn't noticed before, "We should go see the bedrooms and we'll need to get changed before breakfast." Almost as soon as she's stopped talking, a piece of paper popped into existence in front of us, which Hermione quickly grabbed before it fell to the floor. I peered over her shoulder to see a note in Greek written in glimmering bronze ink.
"Read it out loud 'Mione,"
"Um okay," she cleared her throat and began,
        Dear Demigods,
I have taken the liberty of adding a few things for you upstairs and, don't worry, all the technology will work without attracting any monsters and there will be no magical interference.
PS. As you are all now part of a whole new house, I had Aphrodite design you all a uniform of sorts (don't worry, I made sure she kept it simple).

I shared a glance with Will at that, I doubted anything Aphrodite designed would be simple.
Drake grinned,
"Race you?"

Luna won the race. I'm pretty sure she cheated though. Anyway, the stairs led to a landing with 7 doors leading off from it. Signs in Greek identified the first two as a training room and Iris messaging room. A silent agreement between us had Neville teaching for the handle to the training room.

It. Was. Huge. There was a proper arena, with racks of weapons and armoury and training dummies, both normal and enchanted. However it was the obstacle course that dominated the scene. Almost identical to the one at Camp half-blood, but with magical elements too.
"Well," Will started, "I'm not sure if this is big enough..." Which drew several snorts from the others. Slowly we all turned and left the training 'room', Hermione leading us into the IM room. This one at least was normally sized, a beautifully carved stone fountain in the middle with piles of golden Drachma stacked around the room and more beanbags and chairs around the fountain. Luna skipped over to it and pressed a button or something and a fine spray of water came out and a stream of light from above hit it, creating the perfect rainbow.
"Cool." Neville said appreciatively, to nods of agreement from the rest of us.

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