FanArt From Wolfy's Art Book!

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  This is from WolfyLovesFGOD'S Art Book

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  This is from WolfyLovesFGOD'S Art Book. I asked if I could feature it and she said yes. Thank you so much for letting me feature this! Despite the darker context of our glitchy bean getting attacked it's still amazing!
  As I've said before, everyone can draw FanArt and send it to me. Good or bad, sloppy or neat. It doesn't matter. I'll feature it and appreciate it for what it's worth. Plus, all the FanArt I receive doesn't get lost among my photos. Oh no.
  FanArt I receive gets it's own special album and each new piece of FanArt gets added to that album almost immediately after I discover it. Also, as I've said before you can choose songs for me to do as long as they have very few to no swear words for censoring and this is an all age that can stand dark stuff book. So basically 10-12+. I don't know.
  Honestly I don't care what age you are as long as you're nice and are enjoying reading this. But anyway, I love what you've done Wolfy! It looks so detailed, especially for something made in Ibis Paint. Trust me, the edits I make for my Youtube series are half as detailed as this.
  Keep up the amazing work! Until next time! Bye everyone!

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